Engie closes partnership to build seven photovoltaic plants

Engie, one of the largest private energy generators in Brazil, entered into a partnership with BC Energia, specialized in renewable generation company, for the implementation of seven solar plants.

The plants, which are intended for photovoltaic DG (distributed generation), will be built in the states of Goiás and Minas Gerais and in the Federal District. The total capacity of the plants will be 10.8 MWp.

According to the company, the plants will add 21 GWh/year to BC Energia's installed energy generation capacity, which will reach 35.5 GWh in 2021.

Of the seven units, three will be built in Goiás, which will add an additional 4.6 MWp in the state. Two plants will be built in DF, which, together, will have 3 MWp. And two more will be implemented in Minas Gerais.

“The partnership with BC Energia is in line with Engie’s purposes of contributing to promoting sustainability, decentralization and decarbonization in generation and solutions in the energy area,” said Leonardo Serpa, CEO of Engie Soluções

“Our strategy is to lead the ongoing energy transition. Furthermore, distributed solar generation is a renewable and cost-competitive alternative for several segments”, highlighted Serpa.

Goiás reaches 200 MW mark 

According to ABSOLAR (Brazilian Association of Photovoltaic Solar Energy), the state of Goiás reached the mark of 200 MW of installed photovoltaic DG power. There are 12,942 connected systems, covering 231 municipalities with at least one solar system.

In 2017, ABSOLAR created the Goiás Solar Program with the state government, an initiative that became a national reference for encouraging solar energy. That year, Goiás was in 14th place in the state GD ranking. Now, it has jumped to 6th position.

According to the association, currently, more than 17 thousand consumers already produce their own energy and save on their electricity bills.

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Picture of Mateus Badra
Matthew Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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