Public schools in RS receive RGE project on conscious use of energy

Festival Energia em Jogo offers courses, workshops and sustainable projects, benefiting children and educators
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The project intends to continue until the end of 2023 and include other schools across the state. Photo: Reproduction

A RGE (Rio Grande Energia), electrical energy distribution concessionaire, belonging to the group CPFL Energia, created the educational project “RGE nas Escolas”, which aims to encourage conscious energy consumption in public schools in Rio Grande do Sul.

This year, in partnership with Instituto Crescer, the “Energy at Game Festival”, which included educational actions for elementary schools (6th to 9th grade) in the state, spreading a culture of energy efficiency and sustainable development to students and educators.

At the Oldemburgo and Hugo Zimmer municipal schools, located in the municipality of Rolante (RS), some workshops gained prominence for their unusual way of stimulating the creativity of teenagers.

Between the 17th and 20th of April, the Maker, Cultural Production and Music workshops took place, where students were challenged to think about new forms of sustainable energy.

The project intends to continue until the end of 2023 and include other schools across the state. It is possible to follow the actions through the Instagram It is LinkedIn from Instituto Crescer.

About Instituto Crescer

For more than 20 years, Instituto Crescer has been coordinating national and international projects in the area of education, many of them aimed at training teachers to adopt digital technologies and active methodologies in teaching and learning strategies, as well as training the leadership team with a focus on promote pedagogical innovation.

About RGE

RGE is responsible for distributing 65% of the electrical energy consumed in Rio Grande do Sul and serving 3 million customers in 381 municipalities in Rio Grande do Sul. The company's concession area, which is the result of the grouping of distributors RGE and RGE Sul, carried out in January 2019, totals 189 thousand km² in length, covering the urban and rural areas of the Metropolitan, Central-West, North and Northeast regions of Brazil. state.

Picture of Stella Miranda
Stella Miranda
Producer of Canal Responde and Solar em 60. She has experience in podcast production, preparation of journalistic articles, interviews and radio production. Student of Journalism at the Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas.

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