Expert highlights main characteristics of a successful salesperson

The expert emphasized that it is always necessary to be transparent with the client and create a relationship of trust
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Standing out in the photovoltaic solar energy market requires professional training and financial and strategic planning for the good performance of an integrator company, for example. But, how can you achieve these goals and stand out in the sector?

During the podcast Papo Solar, carried out by Canal Solar, Ricardo Rizzotto, owner of EOS Solar, gave some tips for those looking to become a successful professional in the field. The expert emphasized that it is always necessary to be transparent with the client and create a relationship of trust.

“You always have to be present with the customer. In what way? Not being annoying, for example, calling all the time. But also not forgetting him. He likes attention that is not evasive. So, you have to talk to him and look for topics of interest. There are clients, for example, from rural areas, who like to have their property praised. In other words, they like you to pay attention, but not just focused on sales”, said Rizotto.

According to Rizotto, another important issue is to make the customer's life as easy as possible. “We work with people in rural areas and they say: I can't go to the bank and leave my property. Therefore, you have to take a contract to sign and then take this contract to the bank or even take it to the bank branch. These are differences that end up adding value and, of course, make it easier to close the sale”, he explained.

The owner of EOS Solar also highlighted the importance of solar energy courses to stand out in the sector. “The most important step is knowledge and preparation. We know that the Solar Channel has excellent courses. I have already participated in one course of large plants of up to 5 MW. I always look at the Canal booklet to take a look and improve myself. So, don’t stop researching and training yourself.”

Do you want to enter or improve your skills in the commercial solar energy market? Check out our Photovoltaic Solar Energy Commercial and Sales Course!

PL aims to donate surplus GD credits to hospitals

During the podcast, the expert also commented on the PL that aims to donate surplus credits from distributed generation to hospitals and entities. He is one of the creators of the project, which was taken to the Chamber of Deputies by federal deputies Franco Cartafina (PP/MG) and Lucas Redecker (PSDB/RS).

“The idea for this project came about after a client said he had a few kWh of credit left. He asked if he could donate to a hospital. I said that, legally, there was no way, but that I would help him. That's when I thought: why not expand this to Brazil? So I decided to create a group on WhatsApp. ABSOLAR (Brazilian Association of Photovoltaic Solar Energy) was in this group, liked the proposal and took the project forward. Until, also, deputy Lucas Redecker bought the idea and took it to the Chamber”, explained Rizotto.

Deputy Lucas Redecker participated in a live on Instagram, carried out by ABSOLAR, and commented on the prospects for the implementation of the PL, which is on an urgent basis.

“I see that we are well articulated. The project must be approved easily and without opposing votes. We are working so that as soon as we approve it, the measure is implemented as quickly as possible”, he commented.

Solar market remains hot

Another point addressed in the podcast was the resilience of the photovoltaic sector in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic. According to Ricardo Rizotto, even in the midst of the crisis, the solar market continues to grow.

“In April, our company’s demand fell significantly. We had the worst month in the last 12 or 24 months. However, in May, we recovered this and doubled the number of employees. We are hiring two more people for assembly, more salespeople, we bought vehicles, a truck and we are building a pavilion. So, we are growing a lot”, he concluded.

Picture of Mateus Badra
Mateus Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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