State of São Paulo will bid for 50 solar DG plants

It is expected that R$ 1 billion will be allocated in the bidding process by the end of 2022
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Profissional trabalha em uma usina de GD solar

The Government of the State of São Paulo is moving to attract around R$ 1 billion in investments with the aim of promoting the solar energy sector in São Paulo's municipalities.

The plan aims to build 50 photovoltaic plants by 2025, aiming to generate 250 GW. This is an amount that represents approximately 30% of the 831 MW of solar power installed throughout São Paulo.

“The model we are adopting is 100% based on private investments, with the State providing public areas for the implementation of these mini and microgeneration plants”, explains Ricardo Cantarani, state advisor to the Secretariat of Infrastructure and Environment.

The professional highlights that to move the project forward, notices will be launched with the main distributors. “There will be a maximum of five notices, one for each group: CPFL, Elektro, ENEL-SP, EDP and Energisa”, he pointed out.

For now, only one notice is in progress. “We are completing a survey in the Elektro area to offset energy in the Baixada Santista region. This is the most advanced and we should launch the notice to hire five plants this year”, he revealed.

Cantarani also stressed that the intention of the Government of São Paulo is to launch all five notices and close the partnerships by the end of 2022, which is when the term of Governor João Doria (PSDB) ends. “The idea is to implement these actions as quickly as possible to avoid waste in the electricity grid and direct these savings to other priority areas”, he commented, referring to places such as hospitals and public offices.


Asked about implementing fiscal or tax incentives, the advisor stated that the initial idea is not to provide them as a measure to attract new investments. “We are not considering it, because we understand that São Paulo has always been very poorly regarded by other states when it proposed themes in Confaz”, he commented.

“This needs to be approved there (at Confaz), because otherwise it would constitute a tax war. If it is approved, we will end up adhering, but at this moment, it is not planned to provide any type of incentive”, he reinforced.

Regarding GD's Legal Framework, the advisor stated that São Paulo will take into account the premises of the document, if it is approved by the Senate and receives presidential sanction, which may include reducing the installed power of the plants from 5 MW to 3 MW. 

The base text of PL 5829, which aims precisely to create legislation specific to GD in Brazil, was approved by the parliamentarians who make up the Chamber of Deputies last week.

Picture of Henrique Hein
Henrique Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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