State of SP leads the electric vehicle market

Data from Renavam shows that the state represents 34% of the total number of cars registered in 2020
28-09-21-canal-solar-Estado de SP lidera mercado de veículos elétricos
Detram São Paulo registered 6,850 vehicles in 2020

The last survey carried out by ABVE (Brazilian Electric Vehicle Association) points out that the state of São Paulo leads the Brazilian market for EVs (electric vehicles), with 34% of the total number of cars and light commercial vehicles registered in 2020.

The research, based on data from Renavam (National Registry of Motor Vehicles), shows that of the 19,745 electrified vehicles sold from January to December last year in the country, 6,850 were registered by the São Paulo Detran.

This result is four times higher than that of Minas Gerais, which occupies second place in the ranking by states, with 1,616 units (8% of the total).

The survey considered non-plug-in hybrid (HEV), plug-in hybrid (PHEV) and fully battery electric (BEV) cars and light commercial vehicles. Buses, trucks and very light EVs (such as e-bikes, scooters, scooters, motorcycles, etc.) were not considered.

Read more: Electric stations grow 50% in four months in Brazil


Last year, ten of the 26 states of the federation (plus the Federal District) concentrated 81% of sales of electrified light vehicles in Brazil in 2020 (16,071 out of a total of 19,745).

In total, 6,850 electric vehicles were registered in the state of São Paulo in 2020


Picture of Mateus Badra
Matthew Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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