Marketing strategies for companies in the photovoltaic market

Marketing Manager at DAH Solar gives tips on how to maintain efficient communication between integrator, manufacturer and distributor
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Energia Solar Canal Solar Estratégias de marketing para empresas do mercado fotovoltaico
It is necessary to think about the customer’s “pain”, says Thais Bitencourt. Image: Canal Solar/Disclosure

At the Marketplace in solar energy O Instagram and the main tool to be a direct means of communication between integrator, manufacturer and distributor. That's what he said Thais Bitencourt, LATAM Marketing Manager at DAH Solar.

In an exclusive interview with Sola Channelr, she commented on how a company of the photovoltaic segment he must if position with regard to the strategies in marketing.

Furthermore, it gave tips in techniques in marketing, pointed out what the sector can expect from DAH in relation to new technologies and explained the inspiration for the creation of full-screen modules.

Finally, he emphasized the challenges that he faced throughout his professional trajectory and how the female presence it is getting bigger in the photovoltaic market.

Check out, in the video below, the full interview.

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Picture of Mateus Badra
Matthew Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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