Study indicates abusive increases in electricity bills during pandemic

According to Idec, 335 consumers managed to pay off their bill, but compromised their budget
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The Covid-19 pandemic caused a series of restrictive measures for the population, including the determination of social isolation. Because of this, many families reported a significant increase in their electricity bills. This is what a survey carried out by Idec (Brazilian Institute for Consumer Protection) points out.

Furthermore, the charging of average tariffs in certain periods and errors by distributors were also factors that caused difficulties for the population when paying electricity costs in recent months.

According to the institute, for example, 335 consumers managed to pay off their bill, but compromised their budget. Another 157 were unable to pay the costs.

The report presented by Idec shows that, in most cases, the increase recorded occurred during the most intense period of the coronavirus pandemic, when the charge was made based on the average consumption of the previous 12 months in most states.

Furthermore, during this period of isolation, it was noted that most families spent more time at home. “Therefore, with the resumption of in-person reading of meters, companies were able to verify the difference between the amounts charged and the amounts actually consumed in those months”, explained Igor Britto, director of Institutional Relations at Idec.

“This difference was charged in a single payment, which led to significant increases in bills, mainly in July and August,” added the expert.

According to him, the survey also highlights several cases of consumers who do not agree with the amounts charged by distributors and whose complaints were not adequately responded to.

“They were also not informed transparently about their rights in relation to the matter, such as the possibility of paying bills in installments”, highlighted Britto.


Based on the results, the executive commented that Idec will notify Procon, the MPF (Federal Public Ministry) and ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency) so that they can take appropriate measures against the distributors for failures in providing the service and in communication with consumers.

The expectation is that the bodies will analyze the information, demand explanations from the companies and, if applicable, apply penalties.

About the search

Carried out between September 21st and October 23rd using a form published through Idec's social networks and in local press vehicles, the survey received 594 valid responses.

The research also points out that 93% of the participants (553 responses) identified that there was a significant increase in their electricity bills during the pandemic, of which 92% (508) consider that the increase was not consistent with consumption.

Solar energy is an alternative to reduce costs

According to Ronaldo Koloszuk, president of the Board of ABSOLAR (Brazilian Association of Photovoltaic Solar Energy), a well-designed photovoltaic system can reduce consumer spending on electricity by up to 95%.

“This consequently relieves family budgets and allows resources to be allocated to other essential needs, such as food, health and education”, highlighted Koloszuk.

“Photovoltaic technology has become an important ally at this critical moment in the Brazilian and global economy. It brings direct savings to Brazilians' pockets, relieves the budget of companies and governments, protects them against recurring tariff increases and also helps the environment and sustainability”, added Rodrigo Sauaia, CEO of ABSOLAR.

Picture of Mateus Badra
Mateus Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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