Study indicates that 93% of companies do not declare themselves carbon neutral

PwC research shows that the vast majority of companies do not offset all of their C02 emissions
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Estudo indica que 93% das empresas não se declaram carbono neutro
Photo: Freepik

The third edition of study ESG on Ibovespa, carried out by PwC in partnership with the Ibracon (Independent Audit Institute of Brazil), indicates that 93% of Ibovespa companies, which released reports with ESG results, they did not declare themselves “carbon neutral”. 

In other words, they are not claiming that they have offset all of their greenhouse gas emissions, neutralizing its impact on global warming in a given period. 

O survey also indicates that proportion of reports with reduction targets did not change compared to the previous study. There was, however, according to the research, an increase in objectives validated by science: 30% of companies that published reduction targets indicated that they were validated, which represents a substantial growth in relation to the 19%, obtained in the previous edition.

“It is worth mentioning that, in this edition, at least nine market indices related to ESG were mentioned in the reports. The highlights were the B3 Corporate Sustainability Index (ISE B3), cited by 69% of them, and the Efficient Carbon Index, also from B3 (ICO2), by 52%, both with increasing participation since the beginning of the period researched”, highlights the study. 

Altogether, the research analyzed 82 companies, between May and August 2023. Among all the companies surveyed, 91% presented some type of report related to ESG aspects. 

The number is the highest ever recorded by the survey: 86% released in 2020 and 82%, in 2021. This is the highest proportion of reports in the last three years, when companies started making the report. 

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Picture of Henrique Hein
Henry Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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