Event trains professionals to fight fires in PV plants

Fire Department of the Federal District and Ecori Energia Solar hold a meeting for around 350 people
12-12-22-canal-solar-Evento capacita profissionais para combate a incêndios em usinas FV
The training was carried out in Brasília (DF). Photo: Reproduction

O Federal District Fire Department and the Ecori Solar Energy promoted, last Wednesday (07) in Brasília (DF), an event to train their teams and define technical regulations for mitigate the risks of fire and electric shock, as well as improving some fire fighting techniques in photovoltaic systems.

Carried out in Military Firefighter Academy Cel. Osmar Alves Pinheiro, the meeting was attended by 350 people including military personnel, corporation students and guests.

“From the beginning, we chose to work with equipment from APsystems and SolarEdge, and more recently also with Huawei optimizers, with MLPE technology, which makes our concern with security clear”, highlighted João Souza, technical manager at Ecori .

For Hugo Leonardo, 3rd Sergeant of the Federal District Fire Department, training is fundamental for the corporation. “Safety is a keyword when it comes to solar energy. With the growth of renewables, it is essential that all professionals are prepared to act in fires and electric shocks in photovoltaic systems.”

“Security is a non-negotiable value for us at Ecori, so much so that we do not give up training throughout the year on the technologies and components we use in our solutions, always bringing up the topic of security and monitoring, answering questions, talking about news”, emphasized João Souza.

Em torno de 350 pessoas estiverem presentes, entre militares, estudantes da corporação e convidados. Foto: Reprodução
Around 350 people were present, including military personnel and students from the corporation. Photo: Reproduction


The training had a practical part with the simulation of an electric arc in direct current, which was led by João Souza, in addition to the presentation of electric cars and inverters.

In the theoretical part, the training included lectures on electric mobility, given by Bruno Kikumoto, director of Canal Solar, and electric arcs, by Souza. Furthermore, it brought the vision of manufacturers to the markets, with Maurício Ritter, from SolarEdge, and Mariani Pereira, from APsystems.

Picture of Mateus Badra
Matthew Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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