Financing is essential to boost the expansion of renewables

CEO of Suney reveals that it is necessary to reduce bureaucracy in financing in the PV sector to make credits viable

Financing for the photovoltaic sector was identified as an important pillar for leveraging the growth of renewable energy in the country, where 72% wants to have access to competitive financing.

This is what Raphael Roque, coordinator of the ABSOLAR (Brazilian Association of Solar Photovoltaic Energy) financing working group, said at the National Meeting, an event held in São Paulo (SP), on the 7th and 8th of December, which presented the projections of the photovoltaic market for 2023.

Even though this movement be on the rise in the solar sector, according to Carlos Bouhid, CEO of the financing company Sunny, integrators are looking for the company with complaints about getting approval for credits.

“Integrators come to us with difficulties in approving financing for their customers, either due to a lack of adequate financing lines or due to the high level of bureaucracy required to make this credit viable. Furthermore, there is a lack of clarity in the reasons for refusing credit, which makes the process even more difficult”, says the executive.

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Bouhid also reveals that entering the financial sector was a process of great effort. “Suney has been on the market since August 2022, but the development of the technology and project began well before that, in 2021. It is not easy to start an innovative project with the aim of reducing bureaucracy in such a bureaucratic segment. It required a lot of effort in technology.”

“We are able to increase our customers’ financing approval rates and, most importantly, increase the speed with which this happens”, he concludes.

Picture of Redação do Canal Solar
Canal Solar editorial team
Text produced by Canal Solar journalists.

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