Florianópolis will have a solar generation plant with an IFSC project

Investment in clean energy seeks sustainability and a form of savings for families and companies, says institute
Florianópolis terá usina de geração solar com projeto do IFSC
The launch will take place during the 4th Mobisul (International Mobility Congress), whose theme is “The challenges and opportunities of sustainable mobility”. Photo: gov.br

Starting next Tuesday (26), the city of Florianópolis (SC) will house a solarium, when the IFSC (Federal Institute of Santa Catarina) will inaugurate the installation of a photovoltaic system with more than a thousand solar panels.

The launch will take place during 4th Mobisul (International Mobility Congress), whose theme is “The challenges and opportunities of sustainable mobility”.

According to the IFSC, investment in clean energy is a global trend that brings savings to families, companies and institutions.

The equipment is installed on the roofs of the Coqueiros campus and the IFSC Rectory and operates with around 370 kWp. The generation promises to be enough to supply most of the buildings. According to the institute, the expectation is to reduce the energy bill for the campus by up to 80% and 50% for the Rectory.

“The net metering system will generate energy credit and can be used later for what will be consumed at night, which will come from the grid”, comments Rubipiara Cavalcante Fernandes, professor responsible and technical inspector for the project

Picture of Redação do Canal Solar
Canal Solar editorial team
Text produced by Canal Solar journalists.

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