Renewable sources supply more than a thousand RaiaDrogasil stores

The company has 1,101 pharmacies and 7 distribution centers consuming electricity from clean sources
29-09-22-canal-solar-Fontes renováveis abastecem mais de mil lojas da RaiaDrogasil
RaiaDrogasil invests in energy efficiency and sustainability. Photo: Reproduction

A RaiaDrogasil, in line with its sustainability strategy and commitments, announced that its portfolio includes 1,101 pharmacies and seven distribution centers consuming electricity from renewable sources.

The company's commitment is to have 90% of its units consuming energy through clean sources by 2030. Currently, the network includes in the project the implementation of 68 distributed generation plants, with 31 already in operation and 37 in the construction phase, with photovoltaic generation, PCH (small hydroelectric plants) and biogas.

The plants in operation are distributed across 10 states (SP, RJ, MG, GO, DF, BA, AL, MT, PA and RS) and the company states that it will have systems in all states of the federation by 2030.

Solar plant guarantees operation of 31 pharmacies in the interior of São Paulo

In addition to the environmental benefits, RaiaDrogasil also highlighted that it benefits from an average cost reduction of 25% compared to the captive energy market.

“Since the beginning of the project, we have avoided the emission of 16,028 tons of CO2 into the atmosphere, which is equivalent to 114,400 trees planted”, stated Milton Alvim Jr, Director of Engineering at RaiaDrogasil.

The initiative reinforces the company's commitment to sustainability, which debuted its participation in the B3 Corporate Sustainability Index in January this year.

Picture of Mateus Badra
Mateus Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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