Fronius offers solutions to regenerate discharged batteries

According to the expert, from a residual capacity below 20%, there is talk of a deep discharge of the battery
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Fronius oferece soluções para regenerar baterias descarregadas

Lead-acid batteries used to drive electric forklifts in the logistics of equipment that make up a photovoltaic system, when left unused for a longer period of time, can suffer a deep discharge and even lose their capacity permanently.

Thinking of an alternative to solve these problems, Fronius do Brasil offers battery charging alternatives with its own maintenance charge.

According to the company, the Fronius Selectiva battery charging systems, which have their own maintenance charge, supply current to the connected battery continuously. “This way, harmful sulfation caused by deep discharge is avoided, and they can be used immediately, even after having been inactive for a longer period of time”, explains Mariana Kroker, commercial manager of the Perfect Charging division at Fronius do Brasil.

According to the expert, from a residual capacity below 20%, there is talk of a deep discharge of the battery, and, unfortunately, many companies only notice this effect when they want to reactivate their production or logistics. “The consequences are high costs and extra time spent on a new acquisition,” he explains.

Sistema_de_carregamento_Fronius.jpgCharging system protects lead-acid batteries against harmful sulfation

Mariana also highlights that Selectiva equipment offers a special update characteristic curve, which can be adjusted directly in the battery charging system, in the event of a deep discharge. Thus, it is possible to significantly increase battery capacity and performance.

She also emphasizes that the automatic voltage identification of charging systems also allows different batteries, with practically any state of charge, to be charged individually. “This way, electric forklift operators can fully rely on the availability of their traction batteries even after longer periods of inactivity,” he concluded.

Picture of Mateus Badra
Mateus Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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