Galvão Bueno and other celebrities invest in solar energy

Like a large part of the population, celebrities are betting on technology as an alternative for sustainability and savings.
Galvão Bueno e outras celebridades investem em energia solar

The installation of photovoltaic systems has become a recurring option in the lives of Brazilians for a long time and, with each passing year, more and more people invest in the sector with the aim of saving money and helping the environment. 

It is in this context that several famous people have also embraced the idea of generating their own energy through solar sources. Among them is the narrator Galvão Bueno. 

He explains that as he has a large house that consumes a lot of energy, he welcomed the possibility of installing a photovoltaic system in his home. “I was impressed with the practicality and speed with which they work and, in my specific case, here on my roof, it actually looked beautiful,” he said.  

Galvão also highlighted that he intends to use the technology in places other than his home. “I work in agribusiness. I have an Angus cattle farm and a Bueno Wines winery. The project is underway for installation on these properties”, he commented. 

“Serving Galvão for us at Solarprime, in addition to the responsibility that permeates all of our projects, was great fun. Seeing him and his family, all excited about the system working and the savings on their electricity bill, was a huge satisfaction”, said Raphael Brito, founder of Solarprime, the company responsible for installing the system in the narrator's home.  

Someone who also invested in the sector is country singer Michel Teló, who just over two years ago decided to install the technology in his home. 

At the time, he stated on his Instagram account that he has always been interested in the distributed generation, and that since becoming a father he has carried the responsibility of taking care of the environment for future generations.

Bruno Gagliasso also invested in the solar source. The actor, known for defending social and sustainable causes, announced on his Instagram that he would start using photovoltaic energy to power his home. 

Last week, the actor returned to the networks to say that he is building, in the mountainous region of Rio de Janeiro, a ranch powered by solar energy. 

In addition to Galvão Bueno, Michel Teló and Bruno Gagliasso, other well-known figures among the general public have also installed the system in their properties, such as actresses Ísis Valverde and Aline Wirley and actors Igor Rickli, Dudu Azevedo and Rafael Cardoso. 

According to ABSOLAR (Brazilian Association of Solar Photovoltaic Energy), Brazil reached the mark of 500 thousand consumer units of distributed generation this year. 

Of this total, more than 70% systems are installed in homes. Also according to the entity, while some sectors of the economy had difficulties last year due to the pandemic, the installation of solar panels grew by 70%, generating 7.5 GW, almost half of the Itaipu hydroelectric plant. 

Picture of Henrique Hein
Henrique Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

2 Responses

  1. I installed a set of 2.76 kWp at home – 8 modules of 345 Wp. It produces an average of 360.0 kWh. In more or less five years the investment will pay off if the government does not change the rules. My bill was around 350 reais. Then it varies between 100 and 150 reais. Minimum savings of 200 reais/month. I paid 12,500 reais for the entire set installed. Twice – once at the entrance and once at the end of the installation and changing the clock (which surprisingly took much longer than the entire installation work). Account based on minimum savings: 200 x 12 = 2,400. 12,500 / 2,400 = 5.20 years. As there are months when the difference increases, 5 years is a good horizon.

  2. That's cool, I installed a 240kWh/month system here at home, it works better than expected, I pay the minimum from the dealership... In 4 years the system pays for itself. It's the future

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