GD solar accumulates more than R$ 122 billion in investments in Brazil

Numbers take into account the sum of contributions made since the beginning of the source's expansion in the country
GD solar acumula mais R$ 122 bilhões em investimentos no Brasil
Solar DG is already approaching the 25 GW mark of installed capacity in Brazil. Photo: Freepik

You investments in systems own solar energy generation have already moved more than R$ 122 billion in Brazil since 2012, a date that the main entities in the sector consider to have been the beginning of the expansion of the source in the country. 

You data they were published by ABSOLAR (Brazilian Association of Photovoltaic Solar Energy). Altogether, the segment already get closer of brand of 25 GW of installed capacity – which represents a volume 25 times greater than the 1 GW there was in November 2018. 

A G.D. (distributed generation) solar also generated 730.8 thousand jobs It is more than R$ 31.2 billion to Brazilian public coffers in collections in the last eleven years, in all regions of the country. 

For Rodrigo Sauaia, executive president of ABSOLAR, the solar source contributes to diversifying the electrical matrix, with sustainability, in addition to being versatile and agile in implementation. 

“In the case of own generation installed on roofs, facades and small plots of land, directly in urban and consumption centers, the source helps to strengthen and bring more resilience to the electrical grid, by concentrating electricity production close to consumption locations,” he said. he. 

“This reduces the use of transmission infrastructure, relieving pressure on its operation and reducing losses over long distances, which contributes to reliability and safety at critical moments”, concludes Sauaia.

Solar met 19.2% of energy consumption at a time of greatest demand from the population

In addition to the almost 25 GW installed by GD solar, the Brazil also counts today with another 10.74 GW installed by the GC ventures (centralized generation). 

Since 2012, the large solar plants already brought the country around R$ 47.6 billion in new investments and more than 318.8 thousand jobs accumulated, in addition to providing revenue to the public coffers that exceeds R$ 16.7 billion.

Picture of Henrique Hein
Henrique Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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