Solar DG reaches the 5 GW mark in installed power

The region with the highest installed power is the Southeast, with 1.8 GW, followed by the South region, with 1.1 GW and the Northeast with 939 MW
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Geração distribuída atinge a marca de 5 GW em potência instalada

The G.D. (distributed generation) of solar energy has just reached the mark of 5 GW of installed power in Brazil. This is what the survey carried out by the Solar Channel based on data from ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency). 

Currently, they are approximately 527 thousand UCs (Consumer Units) receiving credits and more than 422 thousand photovoltaic plants installed in around 5.2 thousand Brazilian cities. The region with the highest installed power is the Southeast, with 1.8 GW, followed by the South region, with 1.1 GW and the Northeast with 939 MW. 

Among consumption classes, residential occupies first place in the ranking, with 1.9 GW of installed power, in second place is the commercial class, with 1.8 GW, followed by rural, with 652 MW.

“We have more and more homes, businesses, industries, rural producers, public buildings and small plots of land knowing the benefits of clean and renewable micro and mini generation systems, from the sun”, said ABSOLAR (Brazilian Photovoltaic Solar Energy Association).

“Reaching the significant milestone of 5 GW of power in distributed generation in Brazil is a source of great pride and shows the incessant work of the entire solar sector towards a more economical and sustainable future”, highlighted Aldo Teixeira, president of Aldo Solar .

“This milestone coincides with the commercialization of over 125 thousand generators sold by Aldo Solar and with the delivery of more than 1.3 GW of power to DG and more than 3.6 million solar panels. I feel even more proud that we have invested in a sector that is growing exponentially and that is being one of the main catalysts for the economic recovery. And this feat belongs to the entire community of resellers and installers who support us. It also belongs to consumers who believe in sustainability and the possibility of generating their own energy”, added the executive.

“This brand shows Brazilians' appetite for generating their own energy, saving on their electricity bills and contributing to the sustainability of the planet. We feel privileged to be able to demonstrate this growth even in the face of a pandemic that is negatively affecting other sectors. This does not leave us insensitive and we are supportive of our economy as a whole. We hope that the entire economy can soon experience a “V” recovery and that we can all continue working together for a fairer and stronger country”, said Leandro Martins, president of Ecori Energia Solar.

Top 3 states

The survey also showed that Minas Gerais remains in the lead, with 903 MW in installed power. Currently, the state has more than 79 thousand generating units and around 109 thousand consumer units receive credit.

In second place is the state of São Paulo, with 626 MW in installed power. There are more than 67 thousand photovoltaic systems installed and approximately 78 thousand UCs receiving credits. And isIn third place is Rio Grande do Sul, with 617 MW of installed power, more than 56 thousand generating units and around 70 thousand UCs receiving credits.

Solar energy in Brazil

According to a survey carried out by ABSOLAR, the country has had more than 8 GW operational since 2012, including distributed and shared generation. Furthermore, over the last nine years more than 240,000 jobs have been created and around R$ 41.5 billion have been invested in the sector, which has contributed to the collection of approximately R$ 11.9 billion in taxes.

Picture of Ericka Araújo
Ericka Araújo
Head of journalism at Canal Solar. Presenter of Papo Solar. Since 2020, it has been following the photovoltaic market. He has experience in podcast production, interview programs and writing journalistic articles. In 2019, he received the 2019 Tropical Journalist Award from SBMT and the FEAC Journalism Award.

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