GD solar records R$ 2.6 billion in investments last month

The amount would have been even higher if it weren't for the blockades imposed by electricity distributors
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GD solar registra R$ 2,6 bilhões em investimentos no último mês
Photo: Tesla/Disclosure

You investments in DG photovoltaic systems (distributed generation) reached – only in last 30 days - about R$ 2.6 billion, second lifting made by ABSOLAR (Brazilian Photovoltaic Solar Energy Association).

O study informs that the resources invested in solar projects of distributed micro and minigeneration jumped from R$ 111.2 billion accumulated in beginning of July for R$ 113.8 billion at the beginning of August.

According to the entity's assessment, the growth would have been even greater if it weren't for the blockades imposed by concessionaires, such as Cemig and the CPFL Group.

According to ABSOLAR, more than 3 thousand connection requests were canceled and suspended in recent months by distributors, totaling around 1 GW in dammed solar systems in Brazil. With such restrictions, the loss calculated by the association exceeds R$ 3 billion.

Capacity installed

According to the mapping, investments over the last 30 days were responsible for an increase of 500 MW in the installed capacity of solar panels and the creation of more than 15 thousand new jobs in the sector.

Currently, Brazil has an accumulated capacity for its own solar energy generation that surpasses the 23 GW barrier, with more than 2 million systems installed on roofs, commercial establishments, rural properties and the like.

In the last decade alone, the segment has also been responsible for generating more than 675 thousand jobs in the country, according to ABSOLAR data.


For Vânia Casé, head of franchises at EcoPower, franchisor of photovoltaic energy solutions, the growth of in-house solar energy generation continues to be quite intense and is a movement that has no return in Brazil and the world.

“Looking at the international market, we see that investments in renewable energy already exceed those in oil, something unprecedented and significant in history. Furthermore, investment in new technologies also confirms the strength of this market, which still has a lot to expand, both in Brazil and around the world,” he said.

Fábio Carrara, CEO of Solfácil, a company that connects integrators to consumers, assesses that the growth expectations of the solar sector in Brazil are promising.

“New technologies, such as energy storage, electric vehicles and green hydrogen have the potential to further boost business,” he highlighted.

In the view of Mario Viana, director of I'm Energy, manufacturer of photovoltaic modules, the vision is the same as the other professionals mentioned above.

“As we have one of the most expensive energy sources in the world, having your own plant guarantees low electricity production costs, enabling a reduction in this expense, in addition to improving the competitiveness of the production sector”, he commented.

Picture of Henrique Hein
Henrique Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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