Government approves MP authorizing loan to help electricity sector

Expected amount, which could reach R$ 15 billion, will be paid by consumers in the electricity bill tariff
Throughout 2021, energy distributors accumulated a deficit. Photo: Elements

The Federal Government published in an extra edition of the Official Gazette of the Union on Monday (13) the MP 1,078 (Provisional Measure 1,078), which authorizes a loan for the electricity sector.

Throughout 2021, energy distributors presented a deficit due to the costs of activating thermoelectric plants to meet the country's energy demand, due to the water crisis.

The Minister of Mines and Energy, Bento de Albuquerque, declared last week that the value of the loan should be defined soon, but the market estimate is that it will be between R$ 10 billion and R$ 15 billion.

“The measure taken today was aimed at maintaining the energy tariff adequate to the payment capacity of the Brazilian consumer, while at the same time maintaining the financial health of the electrical system in an exceptional period of water scarcity”, explained the minister.

Despite Albuquerque's declaration and the attempt to alleviate a large increase in electricity bills in 2022, the loan defined by the MP will be paid by consumers in the form of an energy tariff.

The text of the MP authorizes the CMSE (Electricity Sector Monitoring Committee) to establish a new extraordinary tariff to cover additional costs in the face of a water crisis. The flag, however, will not be applied to low-income consumers enrolled in the TSEE (Social Electricity Tariff).

The “water scarcity” tariff flag is currently in force, created by Aneel (National Electric Energy Agency), which adds R$ 14.20 to bills for every 100 kW/h consumed. 

This is the third provisional measure issued by the Bolsonaro government to deal with crises in the energy sector. In 2020, MP 950 created the COVID Account and, this year, MP 1055 gave additional powers to the government to deal with the energy crisis, during the period of water scarcity.

The published MP 1,078 has the force of law, but to be definitive it must be approved by the Chamber and the Senate within a period of 120 days.

Picture of Redação do Canal Solar
Redação do Canal Solar
Text produced by Canal Solar journalists.

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