Federal Government and INEL create GT to promote green hydrogen in Brazil 

Clean Energy Institute met with Geraldo Alckmin and Alexandre Silveira to discuss the topic on Wednesday (15)
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Governo Federal e INEL criam grupo de trabalho para fomentar H2V no Brasil
Heber Galarce and Geraldo Alckmin guarantee the agreement signed between the parties. Photo: INEL/Disclosure.

Executives of INEL (National Clean Energy Institute) gathered this Wednesday (15) with the vice-president of the Republic and minister of MDIC (Development, Industry, Commerce and Services), Geraldo Alckmin (PSB), and with the minister of Mines and Energy, Alexandre Silveira (PSD/MG) to debate the creation of a development agenda for the green hydrogen in Brazil.

At the meetings, it was agreed to creation of a GT (Work group) Interministerial, with the participation of both departments and with support from INEL, to expand the debate and help the Government in decision-making that assist in the best strategies for develop the fuel in the country. 

It was also decided that the GT will be under the umbrella of the Secretariat for Planning and Energy Transition of the MME (Ministry of Mines and Energy), coordinated by secretary Thiago Barral.

INEL's green hydrogen secretary, Frederico Freitas explains that the encounters with Federal Government leaders also served for list points of attention and potential investment accelerators in Brazil aimed at developing H2V. 

“INEL's initiative aims to promote understandings with the new government to increase green hydrogen projects already announced in Brazil, reaching the amount of US$ 30 Billion. Our forecast is that this number will increase significantly in 2023,” he said. 

Also participating in the meeting were the president of the Parliamentary Front for Clean and Sustainable Energy, deputy Lafayette de Andrada (Republicanos-MG); deputy Rubens Otoni (PT-GO) and state deputy of Minas Gerais, Gil Pereira; in addition to representatives of private sector companies that will be part of the GT and that make up the SHV (Green Hydrogen Secretariat) of INEL). 

Ministerial support

During the meeting, Alexandre Silveira stated that he welcomes the creation of the GT with the participation of INEL and the main players in the sector and that joint work could provide quick answers on the development of H2V in Brazil.  

“The creation of the GT will contribute a lot with ideas, suggestions from INEL and the private sector to point out ways for Brazil to become, as quickly as possible, a protagonist in the issue of Green Hydrogen in the world. I see this permanent work of the working group with confidence and optimism”, said the Minister of Mines and Energy.

Geraldo Alckmin, in turn, highlighted Brazil's potential for this market and highlighted that H2V will be a priority agenda for the current Government. “We have enormous potential and the topic is an absolute priority. Energy, sustainability, competitiveness, employment, investment attraction, development. The GT provides the best combination”, he stated.  

According to the president of INEL, Heber Galarce, in addition to a specialized working group on the topic, Brazil needs to create a robust, resilient and cost-competitive electrical infrastructure, capable of providing energy capabilities for the production of Green Hydrogen. 

“Infrastructure is needed for the flow of production, such as gas pipeline networks, technological mastery for the national production of equipment and an industrial policy that boosts the production of equipment in Brazil, in addition to investing in the Brazilian sustainability industry”, he stated. 

For him, the development of green hydrogen in the country also depends on structuring measures, including the development of an industrial policy that boosts the production of equipment and the provision of services with financing incentives to decarbonize potentially competitive sectors and segments. 

Green Hydrogen Desk

INEL created a green hydrogen secretariat in August last year, coordinated by Freitas, for understanding the potential of this energy vector in the country and the need to transform this vocation into results for the clean energy sector and the electricity sector in general. 

In meetings with ministers, Freitas presented the work of INEL's H2V secretariat, created by the institute at the end of last year. “The goal of the companies that are part of the INEL Green Hydrogen Secretariat is to produce 1.5 million tons of Green Hydrogen per year in Brazil”, highlights Freitas. 

According to the secretary, the involvement of more and more companies in technology is important for the country to monitor and contribute to the upward growth curve of this market around the world. 

According to the Global Hydrogen Flows report, the world will demand more than 660 million tons of Green Hydrogen per year by 2050.

Picture of Henrique Hein
Henry Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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