Federal Government reduces import tax on solar energy equipment

Measure will be published in the Official Gazette of the Union this Friday (19) and will come into force in seven days from publication
Governo reduz imposto de importação para equipamentos de energia sol
The import tax rate for solar panels will be reduced from 12% to 6%

The Executive Management Committee (Gecex) of the Foreign Trade Chamber (Camex) of the Ministry of Economy reduced the Import Tax rates that apply to products linked to energy production. 

A measure will be published in the Official Gazette of the Union this Friday (19) and will come into force seven days from publication.

According to the body, the decision aims to boost the diversification of the Brazilian energy matrix from cleaner sources, in addition to providing a reduction in the cost of producing and selling energy in the country, in the long term. 

With the measure, the import tax rate for solar panels will be reduced from 12% to 6%; for certain types of lithium battery from 18% to 9%; for low direct current converters from 14% to 7%; For parts of nuclear reactors, the Import Tax rate will fall from 14% to 0%.

According to Ana Paula Repezza, executive secretary of Camex, the actions will benefit the various sectors of the economy and end consumers by promoting the production and sale of energy through clean energy sources.

“In line with the country's commitments in the environmental area, the government remains committed to using all available instruments, including tariff management in Brazilian trade policy, to adopt initiatives with the objective of reducing the cost of energy”, he commented.

Picture of Ericka Araújo
Ericka Araújo
Head of journalism at Canal Solar. Presenter of Papo Solar. Since 2020, it has been following the photovoltaic market. He has experience in podcast production, interview programs and writing journalistic articles. In 2019, he received the 2019 Tropical Journalist Award from SBMT and the FEAC Journalism Award.

8 Responses

  1. The current government has raised the value of the dollar to high levels, "to prevent Brazilian domestic workers from going to Disneyland." It is sinking, in all opinion polls. was to provide incentives, bear part of the cost of the panel, reduce bureaucracy in imports, and stop making large importers and assemblers of solar energy rich.

  2. This is just for large companies. I imported an inverter from China and they charged me 60% R$ 995.00 for the inverter of R$1,600.00 that I paid abroad.
    A and there is still the state tax.
    I'm a solar installer.
    But I'm almost giving up.

  3. Instead of reducing the cost of imports, why not promote and encourage national industry? I don't see where there is an improvement in production, in employment, in technology without investing in national production!

  4. Unfortunately, once again it took a long time for the government to make this decision, the water shortage had already been detected for a long time.
    But, better late than never!

  5. The reduction of taxes on the import of equipment for generating renewable energy fulfills a social function because it allows, in the first analysis, the arrival of this technology to the masses of economically less favored populations, in which energy, whether electric or gas for cooking , represents up to 30% of the family budget, strongly impacting the quality of life, food, consumption and education of these people. We hope not only for better placement and subsistence of companies in the market, but also for the conversion of this benefit to benefit less favored populations, making small MGD projects viable.

  6. Congratulations on your article, an interesting subject that can benefit everyone who is directly linked to this area and anyone who is looking for a benefit in this crisis.

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