Greener offers photovoltaic DG market research

Greener's research will show what 2020 was like from the perspective of customers, sales, prices and services

Greener, a consultancy and research company specializing in the photovoltaic sector, aiming to contribute to a sustainable, profitable and transparent solar energy market, made available a questionnaire on the DG (distributed generation) segment in the second half of 2020. 

The objective is to reveal the scenarios and trends of the semester, with strategic data collection that will be provided to help in the development of integrating companies that earn money from photovoltaic systems.

The research will show what 2020 was like from the perspective of customers, sales, prices and services. The questionnaire must be answered by the manager of the integrating company and the answers will be disseminated free of charge to all market professionals. 

“The year 2021 will be one of great growth and important challenges for GD in Brazil. The regulatory change, the evolution of post-crisis prices and high competition in the sector are points that need to be seen carefully by the photovoltaic entrepreneur.”, said Márcio Takata, director of Greener.

The results of the study will be released in January. To access the Greener questionnaire, Click here

DG Market

Currently, according to ABSOLAR (Brazilian Photovoltaic Solar Energy Association), there are 4.4 GW of photovoltaic solar sources in the distributed generation segment, with R$ 20 billion in investments accumulated since 2012. Solar technology is present in 99.9% of all GD connections in the country. 

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Canal Solar editorial team
Text produced by Canal Solar journalists.

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