Chinese group will invest R$ 1.8 billion in the construction of a solar park in Ceará

The project will have 343 MW of power and should be delivered in February 2025 in the interior of the state
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Grupo chinês investirá R$ 1,8 bi na construção de parque solar no Ceará
Governor Elmano de Freitas (center) signed a memorandum of understanding with representatives of Power China. Photo: Disclosure

The Chinese group Power China will invest R$ 1.8 billion in the construction of a solar park in the municipality of Mauriti, at the interior of Ceará. The venture will have 343 MW of power and should be delivered in February 2025. 

O Memorandum of Understanding for the construction of the complex was signed this Tuesday (9) in a meeting between governor Elmano de Freitas (PT) and representatives of the Chinese multinational.

During the meeting, they also discussed other investment possibilities in the state for the renewable energy sector. “China is Brazil’s main trading partner and we want to further strengthen relations in sectors such as clean energy production and infrastructure for Ceará,” said the governor.

Present in Brazil since 2006, Power China is an integrated construction group that provides investment and financing, design planning, engineering construction, equipment manufacturing and operations management for clean, low-carbon energy plants.

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Currently, the Ceará and the fifth estate Brazilian with greater volume of operational solar power through power plants centralized generation, with just over 708 MW installed from 31 large plants. 

Currently, in this modality, the state is only behind Minhas Gerais, Piauí, Bahia and São Paulo, which have 2.85 GW; 1.46GW; 1.35 GW and 891 MW, respectively. 

Picture of Henrique Hein
Henry Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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