Danone Group and Iberdrola sign partnership to build solar plant

Through a PPA, companies announce photovoltaic project with 590 MW of power
3 minute(s) of reading
05-02-2021-canal-solar-Grupo Danone e Iberdrola firmam parceria para construir usina solar

Whether in the beverage industry, like Ambev brewery, or in the technological area, such as Siemens, companies are continually investing in renewables. 

Now, it's time for French food group Danone to increasingly expand its sustainable horizons. 

The company closed a PPA (power purchase agreement) with Iberdrola, which will promote the construction of a photovoltaic plant, with 590 MW of power, in Europe.

This initiative allows 100% of renewable electrical energy, already used in its facilities and factories, to come from this solar project, named after Francisco Pizarro.

The agreement will guarantee the long-term supply of green electricity to all of Danone's factories and sources in Spain, located in Asturias, Barcelona, Girona, Guadalajara, Granada, Madrid and Valencia, as well as to its logistics centers and offices. 

The partnership establishes that Iberdrola, from April 2022, will supply clean energy to Danone's 29 supply points in Spain for 10 years. The volume supplied will reach 73 GWh/year. 

According to the companies, the plant, expected to come into operation in 2022, will prevent the emission of more than 245 thousand tons of CO₂ into the atmosphere annually.

Furthermore, the construction of this project is expected to create approximately 1,200 jobs. In total, investments were 300 million (almost R$ 2 billion).

“PPAs open up many opportunities for the development of renewable projects that are transforming Spain’s energy present and future and contributing to economic recovery,” explained Ángeles Santamaría, CEO of Iberdrola Spain. 

“Long-term energy purchase and sale contracts provide stability to investments and have become an excellent tool for managing the electricity supply of large consumers, committed to clean and sustainable consumption. These agreements demonstrate the competitiveness of renewable energies and their ability to provide energy at affordable and stable prices”, he added. 

For Paolo Tafuri, general director of Danone Iberia, the health of people and the planet are closely related and this is reflected in his vision of a more sustainable world. “We want to move towards a new way of doing business that considers not only the results account, but also the economic and social impact of our activity”, he highlighted

“This initiative will help us make our ambitious environmental commitments a reality, goals that are part of our global strategy and that affect our entire value chain”, he concluded.

Picture of Mateus Badra
Mateus Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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