Hospitals in ES bet on solar to reduce energy costs

According to EDP, inefficient lamps will be replaced with LEDs and photovoltaic plants will be installed in institutions

AEBES (Associação Evangélica Beneficente Espírito Santense), an institution that manages the Hospital Evangélico de Vila Velha, and the Municipal Maternity of Cariacica, both in Espírito Santo, signed, at the beginning of the month, an agreement with EDP to generate energy in a clean way and renewable. 

According to the company, 1,068 inefficient lamps will be replaced with LEDs and solar plants will be installed to help reduce equipment maintenance costs. The resources invested total more than R$ 700 thousand.

“This energy efficiency project will improve the quality of lighting in these spaces and, mainly, reduce energy consumption costs, enabling the optimization of resources to better serve the population”, says Fernando Saliba, director of EDP.

Changes and economy

At the Hospital Evangélico de Vila Velha, 448 high-consumption light bulbs will be replaced with LEDs and a 40 kWp photovoltaic system will be installed. Energy savings of 128.82 MWh/year and a reduction in peak demand of 7.84 kW are expected. 

At the Cariacica Municipal Maternity Hospital, 620 inefficient light bulbs will be replaced with LEDs and 42 environmental conditioning devices, totaling an energy saving of 260.84 MWh/year and a peak demand reduction of 44.25 kW. 

Picture of Redação do Canal Solar
Canal Solar editorial team
Text produced by Canal Solar journalists.

One Response

  1. The PAY BACK time is directly related to energy inflation, which is around 20% per year and not 10% as companies are using to budget!

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