Hospital will save R$ 13 thousand per month with solar energy

Savings generated with the photovoltaic system will be applied to investments for the health unit itself
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Hospital terá economia de R$ 13 mil por mês com energia solar
Photo: Reproduction/Hospital Moinhos de Vento

O Hospital windmills, in Porto Alegre (RS), received authorization from CCEE (Electric Energy Trading Chamber) and ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency) to implement solar panels on your unit. 

The complex is one of the few health centers in Brazil classified as excellent by the Ministry of Health, being the the only one in the South region in the ranking of the best hospitals in Latin America.

Altogether, the investment of R$ 1 million in the photovoltaic system will enable the building's rooms, offices and administrative annexes to be supplied by renewable sources. In these spaces, the hospital maintains sectors focused on information technology, legal, administrative, as well as neurology services, telemedicine and the Proadi-SUS project office.

To the works should begin in the next few days and be closed within four months. The prediction is that the  payback (return time on investments) stay in six years. “The savings should be more than R$ 13 thousand per month. It is a value that will be applied to investments for the institution itself”, explains Mohamed Parrini, CEO of the institution. 

Advances in ESG

In addition to installing solar panels, Hospital Moinhos de Vento has made other advances related to environmental care. 

With 100% of recyclable plastic and paper waste sorted and treated within the institution itself, the hospital has the “Transformative Recycling” project, through which materials are transformed into raw material for the production of garbage bags, toilet paper or biomass . The project earned the hospital three awards in 2022.

That same year, the entity also became the first hospital in Rio Grande do Sul to provide charging points for electric vehicles on roads in Rio Grande do Sul. 

Picture of Henrique Hein
Henry Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

One Response

  1. Goodnight. I am an Electrical Engineer, and a professional working in the photovoltaic solar energy market, mainly in Minas Gerais and also in other states.
    Please kindly ask for clarification on the need for Hospital Moinhos de Vento to receive authorizations from both CCEE and ANEEL for the implementation of solar panels in its unit.
    Honestly, I didn't understand. And your article did not make the reason clear nor did it detail what these authorizations are.
    Thanks in advance if you can clarify.
    Yours sincerely,
    Max Silveira

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