Properties with solar energy will have a discount of 20% on IPTU in Sorriso (MT)

Green IPTU Program, regulated on the 17th, seeks to encourage the use of the source in the municipality of Mato Grosso 
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Prefeitura de Sorriso (MT) concede 20% de desconto no IPTU para moradores com geração de energia solar
Headquarters of the Municipality of Sorriso (MT). Photo: Disclosure 

The Municipality of Sorriso (MT) approved this week the creation of a program that aims to promote the renewable energy sector in the city, guaranteeing a discount of 20% on the value of IPTU (Urban Property and Territorial Tax) for residents who have solar panels installed in their properties.

The program, called IPTU Verde, was created through the Law No. 3,196, of December 13, 2021, and regulated on March 17, 2022.

The benefit corresponds to the reduction in the annual tax amount charged, for a period of, at most, six years.

“In any case, the partial exemption cannot exceed R$ 1 thousand in each annual IPTU assessment”, explains Sorriso City Hall. 

The partial exemption will only be granted to residents who apply to obtain the discount.

The application must basically be filled out with the taxpayer's name, CPF/CNPJ, property address, real estate registration number and UC (Consumer Unit) number. 

“To access the photovoltaic exemption, the taxpayer must request the benefit, together with proof through documentation”, explains municipality's Finance Secretary, Sérgio Koková. 

The documents required for proof are:

  • Identification documents of the property owner;
  • Updated property registration – CRI;
  • IPTU booklet for the year;
  • Invoice account for the current energy consumption of the UC;
  • Product acquisition invoice;
  • Invoice for installation service for the micro-energy generating plant.


Picture of Henrique Hein
Henry Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

4 Responses

  1. Let’s spread it all over Brazil……

    Profit for everyone (in addition to the owner saving millions over 30 years or more) plus IPTU.

  2. Congratulations to the municipal administration. It would be a very useful example for the country, in addition to being a driving force for the economy. I reiterate congratulations

  3. Goodnight! Could you send me the law in PDF so I can take it to my city's City Hall so they can at least analyze the feasibility of doing it in our Municipality too?
    Thanks in advance.
    Sincerely, Lairton Dorneles.

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