Importing DXF files into SolarEdge Designer

Layers can also be selected for photovoltaic modules and obstacles, if these elements are present in the drawing
Importação de arquivos DXF no SolarEdge Designer
The possibility of bringing drawings into SolarEdge Designer makes model development more accurate

In mid-2021 the SolarEdge Designer gained the DXF (Drawing Exchange Format) file import tool. 

This file format is used in exchanging CAD (Computer Aided Design) models such as AutoCAD and similar. 

The possibility of bringing drawings into SolarEdge Designer makes model development more accurate and facilitates the positioning of photovoltaic modules in the available area. 

Previously, when importing the DXF file was not possible, designers had to be guided solely by the dimensions of satellite images.

Despite the relatively good accuracy of these images, the possibility of working with measurements that can be pre-defined by the user is always welcome in any drawing or design tool.

In the “System Modeling” tab, choose the DXF icon in the top left bar, as shown in the figure below.

Botão de acesso à ferramenta de importação de arquivo DXF do SolarEdge Designer.
SolarEdge Designer DXF File Import Tool Access Button

SolarEdge Designer then prompts you to drag or select the DXF file to import from your computer:

Seleção do arquivo DXF
DXF file selection

The next step is to associate the roof design with a layer available in the DXF file. Drawings made in AutoCAD normally have the default layer “0”, but any other layer can be used. It is recommended, when preparing the DXF file, to exclude all objects that are not part of the drawing and keep them on the same layer.

Seleção da camada (layer) associada aos elementos que serão importados
Selection of the layer associated with the elements that will be imported

Layers can also be selected for photovoltaic modules and obstacles, if these elements are present in the drawing. In this example we will only import the roof design, keeping the other layers inactive.

After selecting the layers, the import process will begin. Attention: this process may fail if your DXF file contains many unused objects, such as other layers, exploded blocks, and objects that may be located outside the drawing viewing area.

It is recommended to run the AutoCAD PURGE command (or another similar command, if you use another tool) to clean up the drawing before creating the DXF file.

If you don't have AutoCAD or other CAD software, a tip is to use the “DWG to DXF Converter” tool available online on the website

Processamento do arquivo DXF pelo SolarEdge Designer
DXF file processing by SolarEdge Designer
Importação do arquivo DXF concluída
DXF file import complete

Once the export is complete: voilà. The only work the designer needs to do is position the imported design on the satellite image and then finalize the modeling, defining the Z-axis dimensions of the roof and existing obstacles.

Posicionamento do desenho importado do arquivo DXF sobre a imagem do satélite.
Positioning the design imported from the DXF file on the satellite image
Modelagem finalizada, construída a partir do desenho do telhado contido no arquivo DXF
Finished model, built from the roof drawing contained in the DXF file

Picture of Equipe de Engenharia do Canal Solar
Solar Channel Engineering Team
Solar Channel Engineering Team

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