Impossible to stay in the shadows and avoid renewable energy

Should solar energy be propagated and will you contribute or would you prefer to stay in the shade?

The title says almost everything and advances our conversation. I consider it impossible to escape solar energy – clean, renewable and affordable. I defended the speech at a recent event that dealt with DG (distributed generation) in Brazil, renewable energies are the new mantra and bring challenges. 

The well-known popular saying shade and cool water can easily be adapted to sun and cool water, preferably scorching water. The advantages of this endless source that respects the planet are already in the common imagination and, with it, an umbrella of opportunities opens up. 

The regulatory framework established in 2012 was the starting point, less than a decade later and with applied technology, it has proven to be a transformative agent present in vehicles, buses and recently innovated in the first 'flying' electric car. 


The social, financial and environmental benefits are indisputable, not to mention the reduction of losses in the energy distribution system, the replacement of polluting sources, relief in the use of water reservoirs and a sustainable alternative for the most distant regions of the country that do not have access to energy. A common good available to all. 

Just like other new technologies in different segments, Brazil is usually slow to understand, accept, support and establish rules. 

Furthermore, we still have misinformation, lobbies political and legal uncertainty that delay development and make the country miss a series of opportunities, many paradigms are created precisely by the lack of information.

China and Europe are exemplary markets in the use of solar energy, which is now also being integrated with electric car technology, a culture already embedded in everyday life. 

The Chinese project 25% of total electric sales in the coming years until 2025, while Germany has banned the sale of combustion vehicles from 2030 and the United Kingdom will not sell, from 2035, cars powered by diesel and gasoline. 

And for Brazil, is there light at the end of the tunnel? Yes, but we need to move quickly to avoid being left out. 

I consider it essential to review the legislation – the regulatory framework, greater speed for certifying bodies in creating quality and safety standards for products and services, and of course, not least important, the reduction of the tax burden that slows down the entire chain. Despite the worsening of the pandemic, the market should continue to grow vigorously. 

The solar energy generation system is a fantastic investment whether paid in cash, as it offers returns on investment in the order of 20 to 25% per year, or financed where the customer does not need to take money out of their pocket and can pay the financing installment with savings on your electricity bill. Very attractive return compared to any financial investment available on the market.

We have major challenges ahead, such as instability in the supply of imported materials and equipment, high international shipping costs, variations in the dollar and other obstacles. In addition, we have a duty to disseminate information and break paradigms such as, for example, “solar is just for rich people.” The segment needs our contribution, it is one of the economic engines to emerge from the pandemic and everyone will benefit. Solar energy must be propagated and will you contribute or would you prefer to stay in the shade?

Picture of Antonio Carlos Federico
Antonio Carlos Federico
Electrical engineer, postgraduate degree in marketing and an MBA in administration. Commercial and New Business Director at Renovigi.

5 Responses

  1. Antonio Carlos Federico, I believe that when analyzing credit, for the customer to be granted credit approval, the Bank should take into account the value and history
    payment of customer energy bills and non-score. Many clients have not adhered to their project due to bank analyses. Ex: If the customer pays on time for a year
    his energy bill of 5,000.00 reais, why wouldn't he pay an installment of 3,000.00 reais.

  2. Good afternoon, RENOVIGI is an excellent company in solar energy and its products have extraordinary quality.
    Congratulations on the developments always looking for alternatives to better serve customers and strengthen the photovoltaic system.
    I am very grateful for the opportunity that RENOVIGI has provided for me, but I am organizing myself together with my team to do an excellent job with the support of the board and auxiliary members of this great company that is RENOVIGI.
    I'm trying hard to be part of this family, looking for alternatives and working capital to move forward.
    Thank you for the opportunity to continue this wonderful development.
    Yours sincerely:
    Jose dos Reis -Me

  3. Congratulations Antonio Carlos. We have to break paradigms in this naturally wonderful country.
    Move forward, let's win.

  4. I have been following your presentations since last month when I registered as a Partner at RENOVIDI, as you clarify here despite the PANDEMIC, the SOLAR market tends to continue its growth motivated also by the sustainable conditions in several vital economic and environmental segments highlighted here. I liked your explanation and I hope we can also apply considerable advances in this energy market, which is our market strength, even for the jobs we will need in Brazil.
    Congratulations on the excellent article and explanations.

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