INB adopts solar energy to power aerosol samplers

Each installed system has two photovoltaic modules mounted in a protective cage
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INB adota energia solar para monitorar aerossol em localidades remotas
Photo: Disclosure

A INB (Industrias Nucleares do Brasil) carried out the installation of six photovoltaic systems off-grids with the aim of feeding aerosol samplers positioned in remote communities. The implementation of the technology was carried out by the company Pulsar Energia Solar. 

For each of the installed photovoltaic systems, two solar modules in 340 Wp, a charge controller, a sine wave voltage inverter, four stationary batteries of 150 AH and protective devices, mounted in a protective cage.

Aerosol monitoring in remote communities managed by INB helps quantify particulate matter suspended in the air. In these locations, sampling is done at six intervals per day, divided into morning, afternoon, night and dawn. Every quarter, the collected filters are sent for laboratory analysis.

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The company's aerosol samplers basically consist of: centrifugal pump, controller with datalogger and support for a fiberglass filter to retain particles.

“We were pleased to be able to provide INB with the application of a solution using a renewable and clean source to carry out aerosol monitoring in remote locations, which collaborates with the company's fundamental principles regarding the environmental protection of its activities”, highlighted Monclair José de Araujo, technical manager of the project and owner of Pulsar Energia Solar. 

Picture of Henrique Hein
Henrique Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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