Fire in PV system in GO reinforces the need for qualified installation companies

According to specialist Mateus Vinturini, care in design and installation can prevent occurrences like this
10-09-21-canal-solar-Incêndio em sistema solar em Goiânia reforça a necessidade de empresas de instalação capacitadas

Last Saturday (04), a fire hit the second floor of an accounting office, located in Parque Amazônia, in the city of Goiânia (GO).

The Fire Department was called around 12pm, after company employees and neighbors observed that the fire was coming from the photovoltaic system inverter, installed on the roof of the building. 

According to Regiane Cavalcante, captain of the Fire Department, who responded to the incident, the upper part of the building was completely damaged, the ceiling lining, which is made of PVC, was destroyed, and some furniture was also burned. 

In total, 12 men worked to contain the flames, which were controlled. The causes of the fire have not yet been disclosed, but the suspicion is that it occurred in the solar system. There were no victims. “The owner of the place will call the maintenance staff, who carried out the installation, to see what happened”, concluded Regiane. The causes of the fire 

Possible causes of fires in PV systems

According to Mateus Viturini, a specialist in photovoltaic systems, there are many possibilities for fire, including failures at the connection point and the lack of companies qualified to install the plants. “Poorly made connections, for example, create the risk of high-intensity electric arcs on the DC side – which are difficult to extinguish and can reach high temperatures”, he pointed out. 

Technical article: Find out the real risks of fires in photovoltaic systems

To avoid occurrences like this, he explains that observing the correct screw tightening torque, as well as the use of suitable terminals to fix and parallel cables, minimizes the risk of loose connections, bad contacts and electrical arcs that may cause fires in the string box or inverter. “Installers of photovoltaic systems must always have a torque wrench at their disposal, in addition to other tools appropriate for the devices they work with”, he emphasized.

Technical article: Fire in PV systems: the dangers of electric arc

Furthermore, Vinturini highlighted that a solar system is an engineering project. And, like any project, it is important that it is carried out by competent professionals.

“Photovoltaic plants are not inherently unsafe. Today we have more than 500 thousand plants installed and little news of serious accidents. Among those we notice, one is always common: design error or installation error”, he explained. “In this case, we need a very good regulatory body that defines a series of mandatory protections and good assembly practices”, concluded the expert. 


Sources: Jornal Anhanguera / O Popular

Image: Disclosure / Fire Department

Picture of Mateus Badra
Matthew Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

6 Responses

  1. When I was budgeting, I was lucky enough to find a company that offered me the option of APSYSTEM microinverters.

    I chose to close with them, and, after seeing this report, the only thing that comes to mind is that this was the best choice I made when investing in solar energy. I paid a little more, but my family's safety comes first!

    Research the origin of the companies, be wary of very cheap quotes.

  2. Very adventurous playing with installing a photovoltaic system.
    They forget that this involves human lives and property. The consequences may be irreversible.

    Great article from Canal Solar.

  3. Sérgio – Aracaju/SE.
    Commercial manager.

    In addition to the need for the competent bodies involved to be active, we also see the need for banking institutions to require a minimum assessment of companies that take their credit lines from customers and do what they want... And most importantly:. TEACH THE CUSTOMER HOW TO BUY SOLAR ENERGY! We need to find mechanisms to publicize this point more:. HOW TO CHOOSE A COMPANY AND HOW TO INSTALL POST INSTALLATION. Create guidelines for the important Installation process, following the manufacturer’s manuals…

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