Indaiatuba replaces fleet of conventional cars with electric models

According to CPFL Energia, the city will be the first to receive EVs in the electricity supply service
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04-03-21-canal-solar-Indaiatuba substitui frota de carros convencionais por modelos elétricos

The market for EVs (electric vehicles) continues to grow in Brazil. The year 2020 was considered the best for the sector in the country, according to ABVE (Brazilian Electric Vehicle Association). For 2021, the tendency is for the adoption of this technology to reach even greater peaks. The city of Indaiatuba (SP), for example, is already contributing to this sustainable proposal by implementing a project to replace its fleet of conventional cars with electric models. According to CPFL Energia, one of those responsible for the initiative, an electric mobility laboratory was created in the municipality. The pilot project, officially presented this Thursday (4), during an online event, began in 2020 and foresees contributions of more than R$ 20 million. The objective of the program, created in partnership with GESEL, SENAI CIMATEC, Siemens, VW Caminhões e Ônibus, BYD and JAC Motors, is to encourage studies and the creation of infrastructure for this laboratory. In total, there will be seven phases of vehicle deliveries and implementations. In its third stage, now in March, the CPFL Piratininga fleet in Indaiatuba will now have 11 EVs and 8 charging stations. Still in 2021, the company should add 19 100% electric cars on the streets.  “The project in Indaiatuba encompasses a series of structuring actions in CPFL’s innovation area within the scope of electric mobility. We are working with a long-term vision, in order to identify trends and paths for new businesses in a changing market scenario”, said Renato Povia, director of Strategy and Innovation at CPFL. According to the company, the action is unprecedented in Brazil because it involves operational cars with implements, adapted for field operation with a van and pickup truck with cabinets for technical-commercial services, a truck with a central ladder and a truck with an aerial basket.  Furthermore, CPFL Energia also highlighted that it will implement new charging stations, totaling 16 systems installed to meet charging demand in the region.  “We are leaders in renewable energy generation in Brazil and we are committed to, by 2024, maintaining this level of renewable sources and reducing the carbon intensity indicator by 10%. Indaiatuba will be just the beginning of a great transformation”, reinforced Povia. More than 90 thousand customers in the city will benefit, directly or indirectly, with the reduction of polluting gas emissions and noise pollution, after the replacement of the field operation fleet that serves the population's daily lives, provides commercial technical services and customer service emergencies.  “Our goal is, firstly, to deliver a quality and safe service to customers, but, in addition, we want to encourage the sustainable and conscious use of energy. Taking this pilot project to Indaiatuba reinforces our commitment to the community, the environment and the planet”, highlighted Carlos Zamboni Neto, president of CPFL Piratininga.

CPFL electrical fleet 

Today, CPFL Energia has a fleet of approximately 4,500 vehicles and, with the start of replacements, the company already has 15 cars distributed in cities in its concession area such as Indaiatuba, Campinas, São Leopoldo, Sorocaba, Ribeirão Preto and Santos. By 2024, the group plans to invest more than R$ 1.8 billion to drive the sustainable energy transition. The plan includes, for the same period, more than R$ 45 million in projects to promote electric mobility in Brazil, through R&D (Research and Development). 

Picture of Mateus Badra
Mateus Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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