Appointment for ANEEL attorney causes split in the board and suspends meeting

The board is considering calling an extraordinary meeting for this week
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Canal Solar Indicação para procurador da ANEEL provoca racha na diretoria e suspende reunião
Session was closed due to lack of quorum required by rules

On Tuesday morning (8), the director of ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency) Fernando Luiz Mosna interrupted the speaker's speech general director, Sandoval Feitosa, to denounce the “undemocratic” way in which the new prosecutor for the Agency was appointed, subsequently withdrawing.

Showing solidarity with his colleague and adding criticism to the secretary general, Carlos Eduardo Carvalho Lima, the Director Ricardo Tili also withdrew reducing the quorum less than what is required by law so that deliberations were carried out, forcing the session to close. A board considers calling a new meeting extraordinarily for this week.

The collision between the directors occurred last week. According to Mosna, the director general officiated at the Federal Attorney General's Office indicating Paulo Firmeza new attorney for ANEEL on July 31st. The following day, the Attorney General's Office informed the AGU (Attorney General of the Union) who responded positively on the same date. Only after the “fait accompli” would the other directors have been informed.

Annoyed by the fact that the recommendation had not been debated in the collegiate, Mosna tried to access the document in the system to, according to him, better understand what was happening. Access, however, would have been denied, causing him surprise due to the restriction imposed on the document, even preventing directors from accessing it.

Mosna would have appealed to the general director to review the decision and submit it to the directors for consideration and would have received in response the request for “a day of reflection”. “To this day I don’t know what the conclusion of that reflection was,” he said ironically.

In addition to feeling ignored by the general director, Mosna complained about a journalistic article insinuating that the name of the new attorney had displeased part of the board.

“On my part, and, I am sure, on the part of any of the directors, there was no disagreement regarding the name”, he highlighted, repeating that he could not be against a name that was not even taken to the board and that the criticism was about the form, and not to the name of the nominee.

“Yes, there is discontent. But not about the name. But as for the general director's approach to this particular vacancy. The general director preferred to make all his moves secretly”, emphasized Fernando Mosna.

When recalling the appointment that took place in September 2016 for the same position, Mosna was even harsher. “This board already has experience with nominations that divide the board. The first time is a tragedy. The second time, it’s a hoax.”

Director Tili was supportive of his colleague and added criticism of the general director's conduct of the work, giving as an example the decision not to remove a process from his report from the agenda, endorsing the general secretary's interpretation which, according to Tili, is contrary to the regiment and detrimental to their work.

Picture of Filipe Calmon
Filipe Calmon
Journalist with extensive experience in politics and economics. Graduated in Communication and Journalism from Universidade Vila Velha. Postgraduate Executive MBA, Business Management from Ibmec.

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