Initiative aims to attract industries to the energy efficiency program

PotencializEE seeks to reduce 1.1 million tons of CO2 emitted by industrial SMEs in the state of SP
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15-02-23-canal-solar-Iniciativa visa atrair indústrias para programa de eficiência energética
PotencializEE is a Brazil-Germany Cooperation program for sustainable development. Photo: Freepik

O PotencializEE program concluded a series of five workshops with the aim of gathering suggestions, from the perspective of the Brazilian industry, to improve the PEE (Energy Efficiency Program) of ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency) and energy distributors.

The action takes into account that, although more than 40% of energy consumption in Brazil is attributed to the industrial sector, only 42 of the more than a thousand projects developed in the last two decades focused on industry.

The initiative, coordinated by GIZ, the German International Cooperation Agency, has the support of ABESCO (Brazilian Association of Energy Conservation Services Companies).

“PotencializEE is presenting a new path for the industry’s inclusion in the PEE. We believe that energy concessionaires, ANEEL and us, together, can be great enhancers of this action”, stated Bruno Herbert, president of ABESCO.

Currently, the industrial sector is responsible for around 41% of electrical energy consumption in Brazil, with 573 thousand consumer units, and, according to the CNI (National Confederation of Industry), the total energy spent on electric motors, refrigeration, air -tablets and lighting can represent more than 50% of a company's electricity costs, making efficient consumption a priority.

After around 20 years of the PEE and more than a thousand Energy Efficiency projects carried out, only 42 were aimed at industries. “This small number demonstrates the clear need to raise awareness about energy efficiency also in industries”

“And this is precisely the objective of ABESCO’s support, that is, to contribute to ANEEL’s EE Program attracting more and more industries interested in learning about energy efficiency actions”, he added.

PotencializEE Program

PotencializEE is a Brazil-Germany Cooperation program for Sustainable Development, led by the MME (Ministry of Mines and Energy) and coordinated in partnership with GIZ Brasil. The goal is to reduce 1.1 million tons of CO2 emitted by industrial SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises) in the state of São Paulo.

Launched in 2022, PotencializEE accounts for 833 small and medium-sized industries in the state of São Paulo from 11 market segments and is the largest energy efficiency program aimed at Brazilian industry, projecting savings of 7,267 GWh in energy consumption by 2024.

Picture of Mateus Badra
Mateus Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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