Integrators from Minas Gerais plan a demonstration at Cemig’s door

Professionals are concerned about the future of their business and seek a solution from the company
CanalSolar Integradores mineiros programam manifestação na porta da Cemig
Photo: Disclosure

Integrators from Minas Gerais are mobilizing a protest in front of Cemig's headquarters, in Belo Horizonte (MG), tomorrow (28), starting at 12:30 pm. The company is located at Avenida Barbacena, 1200, Santo Agostinho.

Sources heard by Solar Channel reported that the objective of the action is to protest against obstacles created by the electricity distribution concessionaire to connect photovoltaic systems in the region.

Integrators are worried about the future of their businesses, as they are unable to complete the installation of their systems due to obstructions imposed by Cemig.

The concessionaire has been claiming that there is no more technical capacity in its network to accommodate new connections and that the risk of power flow inversion makes the installation of photovoltaic systems unfeasible.

“The objective is to bring to light, draw the attention of the general public to the impacts caused by Cemig, through its subsidiary Cemig Sim, in the municipalities of Minas Gerais. These municipalities are already experiencing layoffs and closures of companies that can no longer sell photovoltaic systems as they will have the access opinion directing nighttime injection, making the project unfeasible,” said Jomar Britto, executive director of Seltec Energia Solar and founding partner of MSL.

This situation was even debated in a public hearing held at the Legislative Assembly of Minas Gerais, held in August. At the time, professionals reported that Cemig Sim, a wholly owned subsidiary of Cemig, is practicing unfair competition with enterprises in the energy sector.

Among the professionals expected to participate in the event are integrators Pablo Mendonça, from GMX Engenharia Solar, and Rafael Cardoso, from Cardoso Soluções. Both report the consequences of Cemig's actions on their businesses.

Mendonça said that he has 10 projects blocked due to allegations of power flow inversion. “My company, together with some councilors and secretaries from the city of Araçuaí, went to Brasília at the end of last month and filed a complaint with the Ministry of Mines and Energy,” he said.

Cardoso reported that he has 13 projects stopped and had to fire more than 30 employees due to the same problem. “ANEEL isn’t saying anything, the lawyers are charging fortunes. Unfortunately, I don’t see any other way out,” he said.

“We miners feel abandoned by our representatives and politicians. Cemig does what it wants and what it doesn't want, with political rather than technical speeches. It has been taking away the consumer's right to generate their own cheaper energy in the state of Minas Gerais, resulting in unemployment and business closures. If quick measures are not taken, the sector will soon end and Cemig Sim will continue with its ambitious and impartial monopoly”, reported Wedson Silva, leader of Frente Mineira and vice-president of Movimento Solar Livre.

“We understand that Cemig is making it difficult to connect microgeneration plants and favoring minigeneration plants, as the cost of the work and network improvements Cemig needs to pay for the former. The works and improvements of the larger plants in the substations are at the customer's expense, not to mention that they still have to pay the demand monthly”, added Britto.

More information about the act can be obtained clicking here.

Picture of Wagner Freire
Wagner Freire
Wagner Freire is a journalist graduated from FMU. He worked as a reporter for Jornal da Energia, Canal Energia and Agência Estado. He has covered the electricity sector since 2011. He has experience in covering events, such as energy auctions, conventions, lectures, fairs, congresses and seminars.

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