Integrators report losses due to delays in equipment delivery

The delay and, consequently, non-delivery of photovoltaic kits is a problem that has been occurring in the sector
4 minute(s) of reading
08-02-22-canal-solar-Integradores relatam prejuízos com demora na entrega de equipamentos
The search for solar energy generating kits continues to grow in Brazil. Photo: Envato Elements.

Projections of ABSOLAR (Brazilian Photovoltaic Solar Energy Association) point out that Brazil should end 2022 with almost 25 GW of installed capacity in solar energy. This would represent an increase of more than 91.7% in relation to the country's current figures, which today has just over 13 GW.

The market continues to grow, and as this happens, more and more distributors are emerging offering energy solutions to customers. In the midst of this scenario, it is necessary to pay attention to companies so as not to fall for scams and incur financial losses.

The delay and, consequently, non-delivery of photovoltaic equipment is a problem that has been appearing in the sector. As happened with the integrator company Extintech, located in Pará. The company purchased a solar energy generator kit for a customer on November 25, 2021 and has not received the products to date.

“Sun Flower expected to deliver the equipment in 16 working days. This fact, to date, has not happened. We contacted the company owner numerous times via WhatsApp number and were unable to obtain exact information regarding the name of the carrier and tracking code. Furthermore, all the information they gave us is inconsistent”, said Jocivaldo Souza, director of Extintech.

“On January 13th, after much insistence on our part, through messages sent, we managed to extract the tracking information. However, we do not know if the merchandise is in transport or if it does not exist. We even contacted the federal police and they recommended we file a report, as this is suspected embezzlement”, he highlighted.

More complaints

Nexo Energia Solar, located in Goiânia, is yet another company that is experiencing problems with Sun Flower. According to owner Dhaiane Neves, in November and December last year they purchased ten generators and, to date, have not received any.

“Some with delivery in December and others in January. The last one should have been delivered on January 14th. Since the beginning of the year I have been making contact with them. The first excuse was that they were on recess, after the owner of the company fell ill and from then on the lies started”, he reported.

“They said the goods were already on their way, but they never arrived. Then they sent me the invoices for nine of the ten generators, and they even called me telling me to confirm each invoice, as the trucks were parked collecting the materials, but the goods never arrived,” he said.

Dhaiane contacted Sun Flower's lawyer, who said that the client is willing to make a deal, and that eight of the ten generators are in transit, but they did not say which carrier to check.

“In fact, I am even paying the energy bills of some customers who took out financing, as I could not leave them in the lurch, as they trusted my company”, he highlighted.

O Solar Channel contacted Sun Flower to obtain clarification regarding the two cases mentioned above, but we did not receive any response.

Complain here

On Reclame Aqui you can find numerous complaints from integrators who purchased solar energy kits from Sun Flower and who also did not receive the products.

No site Reclame Aqui é possível encontrar diversas reclamações sobre a Sun Flower. Foto: Reprodução
On the Reclame Aqui website you can find several complaints about Sun Flower. Photo: Reproduction

What do integrators need to pay attention to?

Ensure a reliable link between the integrator and the distribution company to avoid problems. Check out Reclame Aqui and see what people are saying about the company you are buying. Seek references from other integrators.

These are some of the tips from industry experts for integrators looking to choose a reliable distributor. Click here and check out the full report showing all the precautions that should be taken.

Picture of Mateus Badra
Mateus Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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