Intersolar Summit Sul will bring together more than 50 exhibitors in Porto Alegre (RS)

Event aims to encourage debates on the development of solar energy in the southern region of Brazil
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Intersolar Summit Sul reunirá mais de 50 expositores em Porto Alegre (RS)
FIERGS Events Center, in Porto Alegre (RS), hosts the Intersolar Summit Brasil Sul. Photo: Fiergs-RS.

The strong connection with the agribusiness in Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina and Paraná there will be one of the highlights of the Intersolar Summit Brasil Sul, which will be held in November 7th and 8th, at the Events Center of FIERGS, in Porto Alegre (RS). 

With the organization and execution of Aranda Eventos & Congressos, in partnership with Solar Promotion International GmbH, from Germany, the event has the goal of fencourage strategic debates for the development of solar and renewable energy, above all, generating quality information and opportunities for growth in the various parts of the production chain.

Currently, according to data from ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency), the three southern states are among the six Brazilian states with the largest volume of installed power and photovoltaic systems in operation in the electricity segment. G.D. (distributed generation), alongside São Paulo, Minas Gerais and Mato Grosso. 

“Sustainability is on the global agenda and renewable sources are no longer a future debate. They represent the present and we need to make room for knowledge, best practices, system efficiency, government and private responsibilities, research and innovations that emerge every moment”, said Florian Wessendorf, managing director of Solar Promotion International GmbH .

Altogether, the Intersolar Summit Sul will have more than 350 delegates, in addition to more than 50 exhibiting companies in area of more than 4,000 m² of fair. The congress will also feature 25 speakers and the program includes short courses and presentations. The expectation is that at least two thousand people be present on both days of the event. 

The congress also has partnerships with ABGD (Brazilian Association of Distributed Generation); ABSOLAR (Brazilian Photovoltaic Solar Energy Association); from the Institute of Smart Networks at UFSM (Federal University of Santa Maria) and NewCharge.

A Intersolar Summit Sul schedule takes place from 10:30 am to 5:30 pm on both days of the event, which will also have a series of lectures and conferences given by renowned professionals in the photovoltaic sector, such as Rodrigo Sauaia and Bárbara Rubim, from ABSOLAR; Márcio Tataka, from Greener; José Wanderley Marangon de Lima, from INEL (National Institute of Clean Energy), and many others. 

O accreditation to visit the fair is free and registration for the congress can be done by clicking here. Through the link you can also check the full event schedule. 

Picture of Henrique Hein
Henry Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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