Flow reversal should be discussed at the ANEEL Board meeting next Tuesday (28)

The topic will be discussed by the Agency and should be explored in the publication of a regulatory proposal for the Minha Casa, Minha Vida Program
Canal Solar Inversão de fluxo deverá ser discutido na reunião da Diretoria da ANEEL na próxima terça (28)
ANEEL Board Meeting on solar energy held this year. Image: Canal Solar

A ANEEL Board of Directors (National Electric Energy Agency) should discuss, next Tuesday (28), the topic of flow reversal in projects at an ordinary meeting of the Agency.

According to ANEEL's press office, this topic is one of the topics that should be discussed in the preparation of the proposal to open a Public Consultation that aims to gather subsidies and additional information to improve the regulation of the Minha Casa Minha Vida Program.

The information had already been provided by superintendent Carlos Mattar during technical meeting held with members of the Solar Alliance.

According to ANEEL's agenda, published this Thursday (23), the process is the fifth item that should be discussed by ANEEL directors at the ordinary meeting, which is held weekly by the Agency and broadcast on YouTube. Click here to access the agenda.

Process 48500.003729/2023-28 is responsible for the Superintendency for the Regulation of Electricity Transmission and Distribution Services and is reported by director Agnes Maria de Aragão da Costa.

Technical meeting with study presentation

This week, the topic was discussed at a technical meeting held between representatives of ANEEL and members of Aliança Solar. On the occasion, Múcio Acerbi, PhD in Electrical Power Systems, presented studies that explored the issue of flow inversion.

“We present steady-state simulations to analyze the electrical system in the face of current injection from the solar inverter. We prepare an electrical equivalent with the data provided by the concessionaire and the data provided by the consumer and we analyze the voltages and currents involved, to validate whether they are in accordance with the technical parameters standardized by ABNT/ANEEL”, said Acerbi.

Still according to the engineer, the numbers presented proved the total irrelevance of microgeneration in disturbances and disturbances in the network. Click here and access the complete study carried out by Aliança Solar.

Picture of Ericka Araújo
Ericka Araújo
Head of journalism at Canal Solar. Presenter of Papo Solar. Since 2020, it has been following the photovoltaic market. He has experience in podcast production, interview programs and writing journalistic articles. In 2019, he received the 2019 Tropical Journalist Award from SBMT and the FEAC Journalism Award.

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