Inverter installed in a union in RS has been in operation for 8 years

The plant project, installed in 2015, faced challenges: “I had to explain what solar energy was to the concessionaires”
23-02-23-canal-solar-Inversor instalado em sindicato do RS está em operação há 8 anos
Fronius IG Plus 50V 4 kW inverter. Photo: EOS Solar/Disclosure

“The dealerships didn’t accept it. They didn’t know about photovoltaic technology, I had to explain what solar energy was.” That's what I said Ricardo Rizzotto, executive director of EOS Solar, referring to a 4 kW power plant installed eight years ago in Rio Grande do Sul.

The photovoltaic system, which belongs to the Metalworkers Union of Passo Fundo, Marau and Tapejara, located in Marau (RS), has an inverter Fronius IG Plus 50V 4 kW.

According to Rizzotto, at the time, in 2015, the integrators faced several challenges in getting projects approved. “It was a month to get a return. There was always a problem, then they fixed it and the next month they found another problem.”

10 years of GD in Brazil: process of preparing REN 687

“After seven months of this imbroglio, I filed a complaint with ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency) and, within two days, they approved the project”, reported Rizotto.

“This was our first sale, made in 2014. The building was under construction, the roof was missing. Therefore, we are waiting for the roof to be completed before installing the project”, he commented.

Foram utilizados 16 módulos fotovoltaicos da Canadian para a construção da usina. Foto: Reprodução
16 Canadian photovoltaic modules were used to build the plant. Photo: EOS Solar/Disclosure

Union achieved savings of R$ 33 thousand

According to the executive, since the plant began operations in February 2015, until this year, the Metalworkers Union achieved total savings of R$ 33 thousand.

“With the amount saved, the resources are being used to improve infrastructure. The union is based in the countryside, and the value is deducted from three consumer units”, he highlighted.

In total, 16 255 W solar panels from Canadian Solar and an ABB string box were used. The system has already generated 45 MWh and the equipment was purchased from SICES Solar.

Union plant is one of the oldest in RS

According to the executive director of EOS Solar, the union's system was one of the oldest installed in Rio Grande do Sul. At that time, solar was beginning to gain space on the roofs of Brazilian consumers.

Cenário da GD até fim de fevereiro de 2015. Fonte: SIGA NEEL
GD scenario until the end of February 2015. Source: SIGA NEEL

Outside of Brazil, however, it was already possible to find plants in operation for 30 years, as is the case with the system developed by German engineer Franz Ammersdorfer, owner of one of Fronius' first inverters, the Sunrise model.

Inversor Fronius Sunrise está em operação há mais de 30 anos. Foto: Reprodução
Fronius Sunrise inverter has been in operation for over 30 years. Photo: Reproduction

Initially, the plant, installed in 1994, had a 1 kW Sunrise inverter and 2 kWp modules. Since then, Ammersdorfer has expanded its project and optimized self-consumption, using a water heating system, as well as a charging point for its electric car.

Check out more information about the project clicking here.

Picture of Mateus Badra
Matthew Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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