January ends with the highest storage conditions in the SIN in 11 years

CMSE highlights good prospects for the electricity sector; average reservoirs may exceed 80% in February
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09-02-23-canal-solar-Janeiro finaliza com maior condição de armazenamento no SIN em 11 anos
Hydroelectric plant of the National Interconnected System. Photo: Rubens Fraulini

O CMSE (Electricity Sector Monitoring Committee) met, this Wednesday (08), to hold its 273rd and 274th meetings, referring to the ordinary meetings in January and February 2023.

During the meeting, Alexandre Silveira, minister of Mines and Energy, highlighted the importance of the electricity sector working hard to reconcile the important pillars of energy security and reasonable tariffs, in order to boost Brazilian economic growth and the country's development.

Among the highlights, CMSE evaluated the conditions of electroenergy supply to the Brazilian electrical system. As highlighted by ONS (National Electrical System Operator), the January 2023 ended with the better SIN storage conditions (National Interconnected System) of the last 11 years.

In this case, levels of 69.8% in the Southeast/Mid-West, 86.9% in the South, 75.7% in the Northeast and 89.3% in the North were recorded for the subsystems, which will contribute to meeting the objectives of security of service and reasonable tariffs in the coming months.

As a consequence of the high availability of energy resources, the verification, in the last month, of energy surpluses and spills in all subsystems was mentioned.

In this scenario, the commercial export of electrical energy from Brazil to Argentina and Uruguay from hydroelectric surpluses was made possible for the first time.

Furthermore, the MME reported that the São Francisco and Grande river basins remain in full operation, in accordance with guidelines adopted in favor of managing multiple uses of water and ensuring adequate safety for the population.

In relation to prospective studies, which included evaluations extended until the end of July, the ONS recorded the indication of full compliance both in terms of energy and power throughout the period, with the prospect of reaching the highest storage levels in recent years by end of the typically humid period (April/2023).

Finally, among other topics, the measures adopted by sectoral institutions were evaluated, in partnership with bodies and agents, with a view to combating acts of vandalism in electrical energy infrastructures, occurring with significant frequency in 2023.

In this sense, ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency) highlighted the actions carried out by the electrical sector together with agents in the energy generation, transmission and distribution segments, which included activities related, for example, to inspections at strategic installations, the operationalization of contingency plans and improving communication with the Agency.

On the subject, the ONS also emphasized that the SIN operation remained robust even in the face of the falls of transmission towers, without interrupting the supply of electricity to Brazilian consumers.

Technical information

Below is the technical information separated by the Ministry of Mines and Energy:

Hydrometeorological conditions: in January, the highest rainfall totals occurred in the basins of the Grande, Paranaíba, upper São Francisco rivers and in the incremental section of the Itaipu HPP. In relation to ENA (Affluent Natural Energy), values above the historical average were verified in all subsystems, with the exception of the South subsystem.

Considering the aggregated ENA of the SIN, a value of 117% of the MLT (Long Term Average) was verified. For December, and according to prospective studies presented at the meeting, ENA values for the SIN are expected to be between 89% and 101% of the MLT, depending on the scenario considered.

Stored Energy: at the end of January, equivalent storages of 69.8%, 86.8%, 75.7% and 89.4% were verified in the Southeast/Central-West, South, Northeast and North subsystems, respectively.

For SIN, storage at the end of January was 73.1%. The forecast for the end of February 2023 in the SE/CO subsystem, according to prospective studies presented, varies between 77.8% and 78.4% of EARmax. For SIN, the forecast varies between 80.5% and 80.7% of EARmax.

Expansion of Generation and Transmission: the expansion seen in 2022 was 8,243 MW of installed capacity of centralized electrical energy generation, 7,850 MW of distributed generation, 9,217 km of transmission lines and 23,707 MVA of transformation capacity.

In January 2023, the implementation of approximately 1,274 MW of installed centralized generation capacity, 864 MW of distributed generation, 455 km of transmission lines and 1,866 MVA of transformation capacity was observed. For 2023, there is a prospect of an increase of 10,303 MW of centralized generation, 6,661 km of transmission lines and 24,106 of transformation capacity.

Picture of Mateus Badra
Mateus Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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