Justice reclassifies Sicredi cooperatives as B Optantes

Companies feared losing investment of R$ 30 million in solar power plant in the interior of MT
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Justiça reenquadra cooperativas do Sicredi como B Optantes
Photovoltaic plant in Nova Xavantina (MT). Photo: Disclosure/Sicredi

A Justice of Cuiabá-MT determined that the credit unions from the Central North Center, of Sicredi, are again classified in the category B Opting – group of consumers who, although served at medium or high voltage (i.e., Group A) can choose to be billed in the same way as those in Group B.

Basically, consumers of A group, such as large industries and commercial establishments, have the option of being part of this billing class, which does not require estimated payment by the contracted demand, only energy consumption and other charges. 

However, with the publication of the regulation of Law 14,300 for the ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency), the rules have changed so that industries and commercial establishments that were part of group B Optante returned to the A group billing. 

In the files, the cooperatives of Sicredi claimed that they carried out a investment of R$ 30 million in a 7 MWp photovoltaic plant, in Nova Xavantina (MT), when they were still part of the Optante B category and the project took risks, since the amount saved with own solar energy generation could be used to pay for the contracted demand. 

In your decision, judge Ana Paula da Veiga Carlota Miranda assessed that it wouldn't be fair to subject Sicredi to the new rules, since the cooperative presented the requirements to be part of the group B Opting very before ANEEL regulation.

“It is clear that the plaintiffs, credit cooperatives located in several cities in the states of Mato Grosso, will suffer losses with the change and taxation proposed by the defendant, as they made a large investment in a solar plant, which is one of the reasons for generating solar energy. remotely and the option for Group B billing”, highlights the magistrate’s decision. 

Picture of Henrique Hein
Henry Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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