Law 14,300 and interest rates were some of the obstacles to sales in the 1st quarter, says Greener

Results are part of Greener's new research on photovoltaic system sales behavior at the beginning of 2023
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Lei 14.300 e troca de governo foram os principais empecilhos para vendas no começo do ano
Greener research interviewed 57 companies in the solar energy sector. Photo: Reproduction/HCC Energia Solar

The dynamics of sales of distributed mini and microgeneration systems in the market for solar energy has been facing a new panorama us first months of 2023, according to an assessment by Greener.

This is because, according to the consultancy company, after the segment registers in 2022 one year of significant growth – in which more than 7 GW were installed through DG – the sector handled, between January and March, with factors that influence consumers in the decision to invest or not in the modality.

According to Greener research, carried out with integrators in order to verify the sales behavior of photovoltaic systems in the 1st quarter of 2023, a reduction in sales volume in relation to 2022 by 75% of respondents.

The questionnaire interviewed 57 companies, of which 30 stand out in sales of residential systems and 27 stand out in sales of commercial systems.

According to the entrepreneurs interviewed, the Main reason for a client not to close a deal in the first three months of the year was the insecurity regarding the new rules for offsetting credits from the Law 14,300, with 36% of responses.

Other 26% stated that consumers demonstrated doubts about the new government and avoided investing in solar energy systems. To the high interest rates or banks that are more judicious in releasing credits were chosen by 26% of the interviewees.

Furthermore, 4% also brought other reasons, such as the prices of photovoltaic systems and also the fact that customers closed deals before the beginning of 2023, as illustrated in the image below:

Source: Greener

What are the sales expectations for the 2nd quarter?

According to Greener, despite the challenges current, 81% of the integrator companies interviewed in the survey stated that they have Expected increase in sales during the 2nd quarter 2023. Only 14% do not have this expectation and 5% were unable to confirm or did not respond.

In relation to the total volume, the companies expect to sell 2.5 times more during the next quarter compared to the first of 2023. Optimism is more present in companies that stand out in the sales of residential systems, in which 89% stated that they have this expectation. For companies focused on commercial systems, 80% has this optimism.

“Thus, it is concluded that the photovoltaic integrator market faces challenges in the sales routine during the beginning of 2023, which are mainly related to the new rules brought by the GD Legal Framework. Despite macroeconomic factors, such as the high interest rate that makes financing conditions difficult and the uncertainties faced by a new government, investment in solar photovoltaic generation still remains profitable from a payback point of view”, concluded Greener.

Picture of Henrique Hein
Henry Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

One Response

  1. good morning!
    The biggest mistake everyone made last year was: “Buy your kit and stay out of taxation”. “Take advantage of the last few days to remain tax-free, buy your kit.”
    This bad marketing to force sales has put it in people's heads that solar energy is no longer worth it from January onwards, because now there are taxes.
    A good part of the customers I talk to think that taxation is based on the total produced.
    In other words, now it's time to work to get this paradigm out of customers' heads, with good and true information and explain exactly how the current law works.
    They are spreading a lot of conflicting information, people are not prepared to talk to customers.

    Anyway, let's move on! it's very worth it.


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