Law to encourage the use of solar energy will promote the sector in Salvador (BA)

The legislation aims to stimulate investment, implementation, use and development of solar DG systems
Lei de incentivo ao uso de energia solar fomentará setor em Salvador (BA)
One of the main benefits of the Law is the 60% discount on the ISS for the systems installation service

The creation of Law 9620/2022, which establishes the Municipal Photovoltaic Solar Energy Incentive Policy, should further promote the photovoltaic market in the city of Salvador. This is the assessment of Felipe Cunha, commercial director of Amara-e in the Solar division.

“Municipal incentive laws like this certainly bring benefits to the entire solar production chain.

The 60% discount on the ISS [Service Tax], together with other various incentive measures provided for by law, makes photovoltaic solar energy increasingly democratic and a more accessible investment for the entire population of the capital”, he states.

“Furthermore, municipal policies like this can only encourage the creation of jobs and the promotion of labor to work in the photovoltaic solar energy segment”, adds Cunha.

Sanctioned by Mayor Bruno Reis, the text establishes incentives for the use, development and expansion of sustainable source generation in the capital of Bahia. The creation of the Law was stimulated by the Salvador Solar program, launched in October 2021 by Secis (Municipal Secretariat for Sustainability and Resilience).

Among the guidelines of the new law is the encouragement of investments, implementation, use and development of solar DG (distributed generation) systems, for self-production and shared generation, in public and private, residential, community, commercial and industrial projects, in a way that increases and diversifies the municipality's energy matrix.

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“Amara-e is prepared to meet this demand in the capital of Bahia, acting actively in disseminating the benefits of solar energy in the market, as well as training installation companies in the use of new technologies that are constantly evolving in the photovoltaic market”, highlights Cunha .

“We currently have our largest inventory and distribution center located just 100 kilometers from Salvador, shortening delivery times and optimizing logistics costs, which are so significant in the Brazilian supply chain”, concludes the executive.

Discover the incentives brought by Law 9620/2022

One of the main benefits of the Municipal Photovoltaic Solar Energy Incentive Policy will be the discount of 60% on the ISS for the installation service of photovoltaic systems, going from 5% to 2%, further reducing investment costs.

Another existing incentive is the Yellow IPTU program, which offers tax discounts of up to 10%. The news is that, in addition to homes, commercial establishments and industries that use the renewable energy system will also be able to benefit.

The municipal policy will also aim to encourage the installation of microgeneration and distributed solar minigeneration, the mitigation of greenhouse gases, professional training, the reduction of socioeconomic inequalities and scientific and technological development in the area of solar energy.

Furthermore, it aims to encourage the implementation of solar energy in City Hall bodies, as well as energy efficiency projects, aiming to reduce, on the part of the Government, spending on conventional electricity and the emission of greenhouse gases in the city. .

Picture of Ericka Araújo
Ericka Araújo
Head of journalism at Canal Solar. Presenter of Papo Solar. Since 2020, it has been following the photovoltaic market. He has experience in podcast production, interview programs and writing journalistic articles. In 2019, he received the 2019 Tropical Journalist Award from SBMT and the FEAC Journalism Award.

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