Financing lines make solar energy more accessible

According to data from ABSOLAR, the majority of financing is for small and medium-sized projects
Linhas de financiamentos tornam a energia solar mais acessível
The increase in credit lines is essential to democratize access to solar energy

The financing lines available in the photovoltaic market are extremely important for consumers to decide to invest in solar energy. This is the assessment of Lucas Goulart, CEO of Reevisa Energia Solar.

“Currently, customers are well informed about the system’s differences and long-term savings. Financing is essential in decision making. The ease of credit and the possibility of paying the investment in installments greatly increases the possibility of closing the deal. Today 70% of my sales come from financing”, says Goulart.

The latest survey carried out by ABSOLAR (Brazilian Photovoltaic Solar Energy Association) shows that the majority of financing is intended for small and medium-sized projects (up to 5 MW).

According to the association, this increase is linked to the growing number of photovoltaic DG (distributed generation) projects in operation in Brazil. 

In the manufacturer's assessment Renew, increasing credit lines is essential to further democratize access to solar energy. A simulation carried out by the company shows, for example, that a customer from Tubarão (SC), with a monthly expenditure of R$ 500 on the electricity bill, financed via Santander to invest R$33 thousand in the purchase of the system. One month after installation, the electricity bill dropped to R$ 296, that is, R$204 in monthly savings, which can be applied to pay the financing.

Read too: Renovigi and Solfácil announce partnership to finance photovoltaic projects  

“On average, the return on investment, especially for homes, is five years. Around 35% of Renovigi's sales are made through financing. Today, we have partnerships with the biggest players in the market and we are always looking for more credit options for our customers”, says Graziele Scussiato, Finance Manager at Renovigi.

Numerous banks and financial institutions are providing financing with more flexible rules and more accessible and attractive rates for the customer. Renovigi has partnerships with Santander, Caixa Econômica Federal, Banco do Brasil, Banco BV, Losango, SICOOB, SICREDI, Itaú, Bradesco and Banrisul. With this facility and the popularization of the systems, Aneel estimates that, in 2024, there will be 1.2 million photovoltaic systems installed in Brazil.

“It is a real paradigm shift, because with solar energy the consumer has control and freedom over their electricity bill. Furthermore, it can reinject the surplus into the grid and also contribute to the environment by generating clean energy”, reinforces Gustavo Muller Martins, CEO of Renovigi.

Even during the pandemic, Renovigi practically doubled its revenue – which shows that the credit facility is being used more and more by customers.

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Canal Solar editorial team
Text produced by Canal Solar journalists.

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