Luz Para Todos receives R$ 2.7 billion in contracts

Government expects to serve 500 thousand families by 2026, reaching around 70 thousand homes
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Programa espera atingir 500 mil famílias até 2026
Pará will have around 280 thousand families served in 58 municipalities Ricardo Botelho/ MME/ Flickr/ Reproduction

O program Light for All it received investment of R$2.7 billion for to meet about 70 thousand homes in urban and rural areas, including remote regions. You contracts they were signed per Alexandre Silveira, minister of Mines and Energy, today (29) in the morning, in Brief, Marajó Archipelago. 

A government expectations It is offer electrical energy for until 500 thousand families by 2026, especially in the North region and in more isolated areas of the Legal Amazon.

O For will have approximately 280 thousand people benefited in 58 municipalities. In remote areas, 29.914 residences they go receive solar kits at the value of R$1.2 billion. Others 39.644 residences will receive calls via network extension, the investment will be R$1.5 billion, benefiting around 280 thousand people in 58 municipalities from Pará.

“Today we signed R$2.7 billion in new contracts. By 2025, 70 thousand new families will have more electricity. All families in Pará will have energy by 2026. It is the largest program to combat energy poverty in the world, it is dignity for our people”, highlighted the minister.

The program will be subsidized by the CDE (Energy Development Account), which is a charge created in 2002 to promote development in the national energy sector. 

The budget was consolidated by the CCEE (Electric Energy Commercialization Chamber) and approved by ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency). According to Agência Gov, by the end of the year, another 22 new contracts, in different regions of the country, will be signed.


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