More than 2 thousand Pantanal residents benefit from solar energy

Ilumina Pantanal publishes results obtained after delivery of the first phase of the program
23-02-22-canal-solar-Mais de 2 mil moradores do Pantanal são beneficiados com energia solar
Signature for implementation of the project at Instituto Homem Pantaneiro. Photo: publicity

O Illuminates Pantanal, which expands access to continuous, clean and renewable electrical energy in the Pantanal of Mato Grosso do Sul, brought forward the delivery of the first phase of the supply of light from solar sources to benefiting families by two months.

In total, 2,167 consumer units benefited, with 77 families served by the conventional distribution network and 2,090 customers through SIGFI (Individual Electrical Energy System with Intermittent Source), whose electricity source is solar.

The completion of the initial stage of the universalization of the program was celebrated at an event held last Friday (18), in the auditorium of the Rural Union of Corumbá.

The project is developed by Energisa in partnership with MME (Ministry of Mines and Energy), ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency) and Government of the State of Mato Grosso do Sul.

Energisa Group invested R$ 134 million in the program, covering the municipalities of Corumbá, Aquidauana, Coxim, Ladário, Porto Murtinho, Rio Verde and Miranda.

“We have completed this first stage, but Ilumina Pantanal continues. During the development of the project, we noticed a greater number of consumers compared to the original scope and prioritized services to public services, schools, needier locations such as those bordering the Paraguay River, the settlers of Paiaguás, indigenous communities, in addition to rural producers” , said Marcelo Vinhaes, CEO of Energisa Mato Grosso do Sul.

“We know that there are many other Pantanal people waiting for their moment, so we will continue working to serve everyone with this clean and renewable 100% energy from one of the greatest riches of our Pantanal and our Brazil, which is the sun”, he highlighted.

According to Ricardo Botelho, CEO of Energisa, Ilumina Pantanal is a reference for bringing electricity to remote locations in other states, internationally awarded in the category of best Solar Project (Solar & Storage Live 2021).

“Energisa has become a pioneer in this pillar of development in regions across the country by not giving up on environmental preservation, improving the quality of life of the population and promoting socioeconomic and tourist growth, as well as Mais Luz para Amazônia”, he commented.

For Heber Selvo, program coordinator, the initiative has a special connotation because in addition to generating employment and income, it had very notable impacts for people of all ages and generations.

“Children now have access to the world in a more comprehensive way with modernization and technology also available in their schools; adults began to save more money on food stored in the refrigerator; and safety, now being able to see and protect yourself from wild animals at night. It’s a new era for all these families,” he explained.

Customers benefited

Producer Rafael Côrrea was one of the first customers to benefit from Ilumina Pantanal. He tells how the project improved the lives of residents in the region, generating jobs and income.

“I saw my father running after a generator his whole life to bring comfort and help with our production. We are very happy with this new phase and the beginning of development that energy will provide us. This way, we will be able to bring more income to our family”, he highlighted.

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The program also reached indigenous communities in the Pantanal of Mato Grosso do Sul and benefited several people, such as the Guató Indian, João de Souza, aged 42, who was the last client served by the project in this phase.

He makes a living from fishing, but the cost of refrigerating the food ends up being very high. “I spent more than R$ 500 on diesel fuel for the generator running and now I won't worry about that anymore. I have enough electricity, I can store the fish and I will still save money”, he reported.

João de Souza é o cliente 2.090 atendido pelo projeto. Foto: Divulgação
João de Souza is the 2,090th client served by the project. Photo: Disclosure

According to the MME, families who participated in the program received a photovoltaic energy generation kit, consisting of four panels and a lithium battery, as well as sockets and LED lamps. Some homes also received new refrigerators.

Picture of Mateus Badra
Matthew Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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