More than 400 Grupo Dia stores will be powered by renewable sources

The company also aims for 100% of DCs to be supplied with clean energy by the 1st half of 2023
Power supply to the stores began in October and is expected to last for up to 5 years. Photo: Disclosure/Day

The integrated energy company Raízen recently formalized a generation shared with Grupo Dia, in order to provide renewable energy for 36 units located in the state of São Paulo.

Biogas is the source of generation of this energy, which already has other customers such as Pernambucanas and the German dealership (Volkswagen). The agreement also establishes the management of a biogas plant.

According to the retail chain, the agreement will contribute to the goal that 100% of DCs (Distribution Centers) and more than 400 stores will be powered by sustainable sources by the first half of 2023.

The partnership, which could last five years, envisages the generation and commercialization of 417 MWh/month for the Day and a reduction in emissions that could reach 778 tons of CO2. Per year, there will be 5,000 MWh of clean energy.

The plants that comply with this agreement are located in the municipality of Narandiba (SP) and are already in operation. The supply of electricity to the stores began at the beginning of October this year.

“It is an extremely important partnership, as it is aligned with our goal in relation to reducing gas emissions, established in the global commitment of the Climate Change Project”, emphasized Márcio Barros, CEO of Dia.

Frederico Saliba, Vice President of Energy and Renewables at Raízen, also commented on the importance of the agreement and highlighted that the company has a robust portfolio of renewable energy solutions.

“The idea is to meet the different needs of customers in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, in the energy transition and in achieving their sustainability goals”, he concluded.

Renewable portfolio

The company has sought to expand its portfolio with second generation ethanol (E2G), biogas, biomethane and bioelectricity from clean 100% sources.

The main objective is to increase the decarbonization potential through its products to more than 10 million tons of CO2 avoided per year.

Picture of Stella Miranda
Stella Miranda
Producer of Canal Responde and Solar em 60. She has experience in podcast production, preparation of journalistic articles, interviews and radio production. Student of Journalism at the Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas.
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