More than 70% of Brazilians would like to have a photovoltaic system

QuintoAndar research also shows that more than 90% of Brazilians do not have a solar energy system
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canal-solar Linha Mais de 70% dos brasileiros gostariam de ter um sistema fotovoltaico
QuintoAndar Census was carried out by QuintoAndar in partnership with Datafolha. Photo: Cogera Energia

O QuintoAndar Census, carried out by QuintoAndar in partnership with Datafolha, points out that 73% of the Brazilian population is interested in having a photovoltaic system in their homes. 

The desire to have solar panels in homes appears as the first option, ahead of the interest of having rainwater collection and storage tanks (60%) and having a security camera system (59%).

The research also shows that those who live in apartments are also very interested in having a solar energy system, with 74% of votes, ahead of the desire to have a gym (58%) and home compost bin (53%).

Also according to the study, 97% of those interviewed who live in houses declared that they did not have a photovoltaic system, while those living in apartments represent 95% of the people interviewed.

“Certainly the main reason for demand is to save on energy bills, as they have been increasing more and more. Having this technology, people will feel safer regarding the uncertainties of the future regarding the cost of energy”, highlights Derek Wang, sales director at ZNShine Solar.

“In addition, research also shows that installing a photovoltaic system in homes increases the value of the property, so it is a really great investment for people who think about short-term financial returns”, he adds.

“The result is in line with other research recently released, such as that from Brain Intelligence Strategic, which showed that 66% of buyers would be willing to pay more for a property with solar energy. So, at least in the individual market, there is no shortage of demand”, highlighted Marcelo Sousa, co-founder of Geração Renovável Sustentabilidade e Energia, specialist in new energy generation models.

He also highlights that with Law 14,300, which creates the Legal Framework for Distributed Generation in January this year, it is worth getting this dream off the ground as soon as possible. “This is because until January 7, 2023, consumers with solar panels who register with utilities as energy generators will be exempt from electricity grid maintenance costs until 2045,” he commented.

“I see good arguments for finding customers willing to invest in this alternative and accelerate sales in the coming months”, he concluded.

In total, 3,816 people over the age of 21 were interviewed between October 11 and 21, 2021 in the North, Northeast, Central-West, South and Southeast regions.

The female audience represents 53% of the interviewees, while the male audience represents 46% and the average age of the interviewees is 45 years old. In terms of education, 34% have completed elementary school, 46% have completed high school and the other 20% have graduated from some higher education course.

Furthermore, 24% of the respondents are in classes A and B. The majority, representing 49%, are in class C, while the remaining 27% are part of classes D and E.

Picture of Ericka Araújo
Ericka Araújo
Head of journalism at Canal Solar. Presenter of Papo Solar. Since 2020, it has been following the photovoltaic market. He has experience in podcast production, interview programs and writing journalistic articles. In 2019, he received the 2019 Tropical Journalist Award from SBMT and the FEAC Journalism Award.

One Response

  1. Who would not like:

    1st Free because you pay with the monthly money that would go to the dealership

    2nd profitability (million dollar savings): a bill of 1,000.00 in 30 years would result in 2,400,000.00 thrown away to the dealership. Being that 48 times of 1,000.00 pays and eliminates more than 85% of the 30-year debt……

    It's a lot of money …….. thrown away, please wake up

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