Maravilha (SC) delivers work order for solar energy project

With investment of more than R$ 66 thousand, city seeks greater sustainability and economy
Maravilha (SC) entrega ordem de serviço para projeto de energia solar

The work order for the development of the photovoltaic project in the city of Maravilha (SC) was delivered at the beginning of this month to the company Quality Energia Solar. The investment is around R$ 66 thousand.

According to the city hall, the implementation of the solar energy system in the city aims to provide greater sustainability and savings, in addition to reducing costs.

The system will be implemented in the Agriculture Department building, the first public space in the benefited municipality. The panels will be installed on the roof to generate the energy needed for the building.

Currently, the city has 1.6 MW in installed power from solar sources, 109 photovoltaic systems installed and 172 UCs (Consumer Units) receiving credits, according to data from ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency).

Mayor Sandro Donati comments that the adoption of alternative and sustainable means of energy was a commitment made in the Maravilha Development Agenda and the first project will serve as a basis for future installations in other locations.

“It is with the future and a sustainable city in mind that we are taking this first step. Solar energy is already widely used in several sectors of the private sector, on rural properties and we have to monitor this technology and implement it with economy and sustainability in mind”, he declares.

Picture of Redação do Canal Solar
Redação do Canal Solar
Text produced by Canal Solar journalists.

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