GD's legal framework should be voted on on March 11, says Lafayette Andrada

The PL was scheduled to be voted on at the beginning of 2021, but ended up being postponed due to the Covid-19 pandemic
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Federal deputy Lafayette Andrada (Republicanos/MG) said that the legal framework for GD (distributed generation) should be voted on next Thursday (11) by the Chamber of Deputies. The statement was made in an interview promoted by ABGD (Brazilian Association of Distributed Generation) last Tuesday night (2). 

Initially, the proposal was scheduled to be voted on at the beginning of last year, but ended up being postponed due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

The topic was only revived in December, when the Chamber of Deputies voted for the urgency of PL 5829 (Bill 5829/19), authored by congressman Silas Câmara (Republicanos/AM), in which congressman Lafayette is the rapporteur.

The vote held at the end of the year made it possible for the document to be voted on in the Plenary at any time. According to Lafayette, the initiative counters the suggestion by ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency) to tax the solar sector and will be a legal landmark in the country, ceasing discussions on REN 482 (Normative Resolution No. 482/2012) and promoting a complete review of all legislation in the Brazilian electricity sector.

In June last year, in an exclusive interview with Solar Channel, the deputy detailed the changes that the proposal brings to the electricity sector, mainly for the solar energy segment. Among them are the separation of DG categories and the progressive payment of 28% of the energy tariff. 

To prepare the document, the parliamentarian says he participated in debates and virtual meetings with sector representatives during the pandemic. He also claims to have heard all segments involved: hydroelectric, wind, solar, nuclear, biomass, PCHs, distribution, transmission, among others. 

Resolution 482

The discussion about the resolution 482 has gained stratospheric proportions in the country recently. Professionals and entities in the solar sector claim that changes to current rules could make it unfeasible for the continued growth of photovoltaic energy on energy consumer properties. 

Last week, eleven associations in the DG sector released a manifesto against ANEEL's proposal. Weeks earlier, the agency's general director, André Pepitone, had spoken out regarding the controversies, ensuring that it is in favor of GD and Resolution 482

Picture of Henrique Hein
Henry Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

2 Responses

    1. [email protected]
      It will definitely be harmful, this dep Lafayette Andrada and totally in favor of the Energy Concessionaires, PL has one of the main changes is the charging of at least 28% from those who generate their own Energy, gradually increasing until reaching 70% this will make the sector unviable In Brazil, instead of stimulating, they want to tax the Sun

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