Marco Legal makes 2022 the best year to have solar energy

Aldo Teixeira explains why 2022 is the year with the best opportunity for those who want to join GD
Marco Legal faz de 2022 o melhor ano para ter energia solar
This year, we are gaining prominence in the development and use of solar photovoltaic technology on the global stage

The sun rose more democratic in 2022. On January 7th, the Federal Government published the law that establishes the GD's Legal Framework (distributed generation) - Law No. 14,300/2022 – made to regulate micro and mini generators of distributed energy generation in Brazil.

This law was long awaited, as distributed solar energy generation is the cheapest and most sustainable way to generate energy. We wanted a legal guarantee protecting everyone involved with clearer and more definitive rules, and that security finally came.

Now, we can expect new investments to reduce electricity prices and readjustments in Brazil. The estimate is to reduce around R$ 150 billion in costs with thermoelectric plants (one of the main responsible for the increases) by 2050. Thus, even those who do not opt for solar energy will benefit.

All this without mentioning the increase in jobs that are coming. With more facilities and investments, the expectation is to open more than 1 million jobs in the sector. It is the perfect balance of benefits for the economy, environment and society.

As the sector knows, until now there was no legislation that charged for the use of concessionaire systems, which store and distribute excess energy generated. What we had was an availability fee, charged according to the standard of each property (single-phase, two-phase or three-phase).

However, we now have a gradual transition rule for the start of payment for the energy distribution network. And this is where we come to the point I want to highlight. There are those who believe that, by creating fees, solar energy is no longer worth it. Quite the opposite!

Firstly, the consumer is now exempt from the availability fee. The new minimum tariff for the use of the distribution system cannot be reduced by excess energy generation.

However, consumers can rest assured: these changes will not make the use of solar energy unfeasible. It is still a much more advantageous energy option, even for those who join with the sole aim of saving.

And now let's get to the best news: whoever guarantees the installation of solar energy by January 6, 2023 will be exempt from charges until 2045. Everyone who has already implemented the distributed generation system will also not suffer any changes in that period of time.

Furthermore, the law establishes the creation of a PERS (Renewable Energy Program), which will be responsible for the democratization of renewable energy. Knowing that low-income communities will have access to solar energy is a huge win for the sector. Since the beginning of my work with Aldo Solar, this has always been what I wanted: to see more and more families with a quality of life thanks to the energy that comes from the Sun.

Still in January 2022, we reached the milestone of 1 million solar energy consumers. There are more than 9 GW in distributed generation, equivalent to around two thirds of Itaipu's power. And although every victory deserves to be celebrated, we want much more than that. Today, of the more than 89 million electricity consumers in Brazil, only 1.2% already use photovoltaic solar energy in distributed generation.

The Brazilian deserves much more from Sol, and he will have it. Another important step towards this is the approval of Legislative Decree Project No. 271/21 (PDL 271/2021), which deals with Brazil's entry into International Solar Alliance. This year, we are gaining prominence in the development and use of solar photovoltaic technology on the global stage.

At Aldo Solar, we want to maximize these results. In February alone, we already reached the milestone of 220 thousand solar energy generators sold. We also became the number 1 company among those most remembered by integrators. With all this gas, we are going with full force so that 2022 will be the most solar year for every Brazilian family and every business interested in clean and economical energy.

We want to make 2022 historic for the entire photovoltaic sector. Therefore, whether you are a consumer, reseller or technician in the area looking for opportunities, this is certainly the year to take advantage of every ray of sunshine. I, Aldo Teixeira, and the entire Aldo Solar family are with you in this fight for a more solar Brazil . This is our year, so let's go all out!

Picture of Aldo Teixeira
Aldo Teixeira
Founder of photovoltaic equipment distributor Aldo Solar, based in Maringá (PR). He has worked in the solar sector for years, with experience in management and sales.

3 Responses

  1. Good morning, it is with great joy and great expectation that I read this information, I am studying to be an integrator but with plans for bigger things. I will soon need solar equipment.

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